LLEK10259U Advanced Sensory Methods and Sensometrics

Volume 2013/2014
Compulsory for MSc students in Food Science and Technology with specialisation in Sensory Science and for MSc students in Gastronomy and Health.
The students will gain insight in how to perform sensory tests (scope, application, testing environment and methods) and analysis of sensory and consumer data.

Theory will be combined with practical exercises and will cover sensory analysis with trained panels and consumer panels including: analysis of sensory panel performance, descriptive sensory analysis techniques (including classical methods, CATA and emotional mapping), discrimination/similarity testing, temporal methods, fast mapping techniques (Napping, Flash Profile, Consensus Profile, etc.), acceptance tests in relation to external data (MDPref, PREFMAP, L-PLSR) and Conjoint Analysis. The methods will be presented, discussed and assessed for their merits and shortcomings in research, R&D and QC.

Tutorials will include an introduction to R and specific packages in R for sensory analysis. Other tutorials will utilise PanelCheck for sensory panel performance analysis and software for multivariate analysis (PCA and PLSR).
Learning Outcome
The course provides an overview of recent and more advanced sensory methods, techniques and data analysis tools. The objective is to learn the student to critically reflect over the design of sensory experiments, the analysis of sensory data, the interpreation and consequences of the outcomes for making decisions in business and research.

- Overview over current and advanced analytical and affective sensory test methods, their scopes, applications and data analysis

- Insight in how to handle sensory product evaluation
- Demonstrate knowledge on experimental sensory test designs and data analysis by univariate and multivariate methods
- Know the applications and limitations of different data analyses
- Can select test methods in relation to specific sensory and consumer test objectives
- Can correctly interpret results of sensory experiments
- Has working knowledge of different statistical software programs

- Evaluate the sensory test objective in relation to selecting the appropriate test method and experimental setup
- Reflect over sensory methods and data analysis tools in realistic sensory and consumer evaluation situations
Compendium of selected scientific papers and chapters from relevant text books.
For students not enrolled in the Sensory Science master specialisation are recommended Exploratory Data Analysis (LLEF10174) and Sensory and Consumer Science (LLEF10198) or equivalent courses.
Lectures, theoretical excersises and practical demonstrations, excursion.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Colloquia
  • 10
  • Exam
  • 5
  • Excursions
  • 15
  • Lectures
  • 40
  • Practical exercises
  • 20
  • Preparation
  • 80
  • Theory exercises
  • 36
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written examination, 4 hours under invigilation
Written aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners.
If ten or fewer are registered for re-examination, where the exam form at the ordinary exam is a written exam, the exam can be changed to oral exam.
Criteria for exam assesment
Please see the aim of the course.