ASOA05044U New Capitalism and the Transformation of Work

Årgang 2013/2014
Engelsk titel

New Capitalism and the Transformation of Work

KA valgfag

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The first seminar of the course introduces students to basic definitions of labour markets. The focus here is on problems of definition with regard to work, employment and the labour market. Definitions can be contested and conflicted and have very real impacts. The next seminar continues with this theme, giving students a broader perspective on the development of labour market sociology and economic sociology, and introducing them to the central actors of the labour market. In part two, the course critically examines the transformation of work through dominant sociological theorists (Castells, Beck, and Sennet). In part three, the extent to which labour market restructuring has led to a 'new capitalism' of increased precariousness for labour (e.g. job insecurity, unemployment, and atypical employment) is examined. Finally, the theoretical and empirical critiques (Doogan and Fevre) of ‘new capitalism’ are reviewed and discussed.

Learning Objectives

  • Have a broad overview of economic sociology in general, and the sociology of labour markets in particular
  • Be able to understand and critically evaluate the work of Castells, Beck and Sennet and place it within its theoretical context
  • Be familiar with the concept of precariousness
Be able to theoretically and empirically evaluate the ongoing transformation of work and the cause, scale and consequences of such change

Standing, Guy. (1999) Global Labour Flexibility, Seeking Distributive Justice, London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapter 1)

Streeck, Wolfgang. (2005) “The Sociology of Labour Markets and Trade Unions,” in Streeck, W., and Swedberg, R. (eds.) The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Kalleberg, Arne. (1970) The Sociology of Labour Markets, Annual Review of Sociology, 5: 251-379.

Smelser, Neil and Richard Swedburg. (2005) Introducing Economic Sociology. (Chapter 1)

Manuell Castells. (1996) The Rise of The Network Society, Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter 4)

Fevre, Ralph. (1992) The Sociology of Labour Markets, London: Routledge. (Chapter 1)

Doogan, Kevin. (2009) New Capitalism? The Transformation of Work, Cambridge: Polity Press. (Chapters 2)

Beck, Ulrich. (2000) Brave New World of Work, London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapters 5 & 6)

Sennet, Richard. (2006) The Culture of New Capitalism, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (Chapter 1)

Standing, Guy. (1997) “Globalization, Labour Flexibility and Insecurity: The Era of Market Regulation”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 3 (1): 7-37.

Standing, Guy. (2011) The Precariat, London: Bloomsburg Publishing. (Chapters 1 & 2)

Barbier, J-C. (2004) A comparative analysis of employment precariousness in Europe.​fr/​fiches_chercheurs/​texte_pdf/​barbier/​BarbierEmpPrecFeb2004.

Kalleberg, Arne. (2000) "Nonstandard employment relations: part-time, temporary, and contract work", Annual Review of Sociology, 26: 341-65.

Kalleberg, Arne. (2009) “Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in Transition”, American Sociological Review, 74: 1-22.

Doogan, Kevin. (2013) “Precarious Fallacies”. Paper Presented to ILMR, University of Cambridge.

Doogan, Kevin. (2009) New Capitalism? The Transformation of Work, Cambridge: Polity Press. (Chapter 8)

Fevre Ralph (2007) “Employment insecurity and social theory: the power of nightmares. Work, Employment and Society”, 21 (3): 517–35.

Doogan Kevin (2005) “Long-term employment and the restructuring of the labour market in Europe”, Time and Society 14(1): 65–87.

Doogan Kevin (2001) Insecurity and long-term employment. Work, Employment and Society 15(3):419–41.

Tweedie, Dale. (2013) “Making sense of insecurity: a defense of Richard Sennett’s sociology of work’, Work, Employment and Society, 27 (1): 1-11.

Each seminar will be structured around lectures, structured discussion and group activities.
7 uger af 2 timer
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Eksamen
  • 61,75
  • Forberedelse
  • 61,75
  • Holdundervisning
  • 14
  • I alt
  • 137,50
Skriftlig aflevering
Omfang: Max 7½ side á 2400 tegn (inkl. mellemrum). Ved gruppebesvarelser tillægges 50 % á 2400 tegn pr. ekstra studerende.
Bemærk: Ved gruppebesvarelser skal den enkelte studerendes bidrag kunne konstateres.
7-trins skala
Ingen ekstern censur
Flere interne bedømmere
Aflevering af eksamensopgaver: Kl. 12.00 i sekretariatet (16.1.26) Datoer er ikke fastlagt endnu (er klar i løbet af september måned)
Kriterier for bedømmelse
Se målbeskrivelsen
Mundtlig prøve
An oral exam based upon a topic chosen by the individual student

Size: A synopsis of maximum 3 pages of 2400 characters. The synopsis may be handed in as a group. However, the oral exam is on individual basis. The synopsis itself is meant as a discussion paper and does not enter into the assessment
7-trins skala
Ingen ekstern censur
Flere interne bedømmere
Aflevering af eksamensopgaver: Kl. 12.00 i sekretariatet (16.1.26) Datoer er ikke fastlagt endnu (er klar i løbet af september måned)
Kriterier for bedømmelse
Se målbeskrivelsen.