APSK05026U Psykologisk testning

Årgang 2013/2014
Engelsk titel

Psychological Testing

Kandidatuddannelsen i Psykologi 2010 – studieordningen

The course deals with construction, administration and interpretation of psychological tests as these are used both in applied psychology and in research.

Central course themes are:

  • General psychometric principles especially testnorms, reliability and validity as well as principles of test construction including item-analysis and factor-analysis.
  • Cognitive tests including tests of general “intelligence” and tests of specific cognitive functions including neuropsychological tests.
  • Personality tests including tests of psychopathology comprising both tests in the questionnaires and projective tests.

Part I: Lectures

The student must be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge about central psychometric concepts.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about dominant cognitive and personality tests.

Part II: Demonstrations class (are taught in Danish)

The student must be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge about psychological tests and the administration of psychological tests.
Forelæsning: Torsdag 8-10 lokale v/Tom Teasdale
Hold 1: Torsdag 12-15, Henriette Kirkeby
Hold 2: Torsdag 15-18 , Henriette Kirkeby
Hold 3: Tirsdag 9-12, Anna-Lisa Hylten Cavalius - børne-test
Hold 4: Fredag 12-15, Per Bjerregaard Knudsen
Hold 5: Fredag 15-12, Per Bjerregaard Knudsen
Forelæsning 12 uger , med start uge 36 – Elektronisk tilmelding via Selvbetjeningen på KUnet fra 15. maj - 1. juni 2013
Holdundervisning 10 uger, med start uge 37 – Elektronisk tilmelding via Selvbetjeningen på KUnet fra 15. maj - 1. juni 2013

FORÅR 2014
Forelæsning: Torsdag 8-10 lokale CSS 35.01.44 v/Tom Teasdale
Hold 1: Torsdag 12-15, Henriette Kirkeby
Hold 2: Torsdag 15-18 , Henriette Kirkeby
Hold 3: Tirsdag 9-12, Anna-Lisa Hylten Cavalius - BØRN
Hold 4: Fredag 12-15, Per Bjerregaard Knudsen
Forelæsning 14 uger, med start uge 6
Holdundervisning 10 uger, med start uge 7 - Elektronisk tilmelding via Selvbetjeningen på KUnet fra 15. november til 1. december
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Forelæsninger
  • 24
  • Holdundervisning
  • 30
  • I alt
  • 54
12,5 ECTS
Skriftlig prøve, 2 timer med opsyn.
Part I: Multiple choice exam
Part II: Active participation and at least 75% attendance in the Demonstration Class.
Krav til indstilling til eksamen
It is a prerequisite for participation in the written multiple choice exam in Psychological Testing that the examinee has at least 75% attendance in the Demonstration Class. Participation must be approved at the same time or previous to the written multiple choice exam in test theory.
Uden hjælpemidler
7-trins skala
Ingen ekstern censur
Én intern bedømmer
December/January, May/June
February, August
Kriterier for bedømmelse
12,5 ECTS
Skriftlig prøve, 3 hours med opsyn.
Part I: Written exam at the university
Part II: Active participation and at least 75% attendance in the Demonstration Class.
Krav til indstilling til eksamen
It is a prerequisite for participation in the written multiple choice exam in Psychological Testing that the examinee has at least 75% attendance in the Demonstration Class. Participation must be approved at the same time or previous to the written multiple choice exam in test theory.
Uden hjælpemidler
7-trins skala
Ingen ekstern censur
Én intern bedømmer
Kriterier for bedømmelse