HREK00047U Aspects and Contexts of Danish Society: An Exercise in Cross-Cultural Studies

Volume 2016/2017

BA-studieordning for det centrale fag i Religionsvidenskab, 2015

BA tilvalgsstudieordning, gymnasierettet, 2015

BA-studieordning for det centrale fag i Religionsvidenskab, 2010

BA tilvalg-studieordning i Religionsvidenskab, 2007

KA- studieordning i Religionshistori, 2008

KA-studieordning i Religionssociologi, 2008

KA-sidefag i Religionssociologi, 2008


Aspects and Contexts of Danish Society is a course in English designed to introduce international students to many of the ideas and concepts, past and present, that have influenced the formation of Danish society (and Scandinavia) and to consider them from a variety of angles.

The course will explore numerous aspects of life and society in Denmark and will look at how they may be studied and understood. The topics include early mythology in Scandinavia, society in the Viking Age, the Reformation in Denmark, central Danish thinkers, the relationship between Church and state in Denmark, the status of minorities in Denmark, social controversies and images of the Danes.

At the same time as learning about the history and present situation of aspects of Danish society, students will be encouraged to consider the phenomena they are presented with from a comparative and cross-cultural angle and to reflect upon how ideas and belief systems can shape basic social and political institutions. We will pay particular attention to the ways in which Danish assumptions may differ from those of the students’ home cultures and the manners in which we can study and analyse them.

Students will learn how to discuss and analyse phenomena in societies in a way that is well-informed, rigorously critical, and responsibly engaged. The course investigates the ways human societies construct practices, seek meanings, and pose questions about their life worlds. These investigations may be informed by anthropological, sociological, cultural, and/or historical perspectives.


Students of this course can also attend the course in Project management and exam preperation, however this course will be tought in danish. For more info:

Learning Outcome

BA 2010-studieordning
Valgfrit område (fagelementkode HREB00311E)
BA-projekt (fagelementkode HREB00351E)

BA tilvalg 2007-studieordning
Religionsanalytisk område A (fagelementkode HREB10091E)
Religionsanalytisk område B (fagelementkode HREB10101E)

BA 2015-studieordning
Valgfrit område (fagelementkode HRVB00061E)
Valgfrit område med sprogudprøvning (fagelementkodt HRVB00081E)
Bachelorprojekt (fagelementkodt HRVB00091E)

BA tilvalg 2015-studieordning
Valgfrit område med sprogudprøvning (fagelementkode HRVB10121E)

KA Religionshistorie 2008-studieordning
Speciel religionshistorie A (fagelementkode HRHK03661E)
Speciel religionshistorie B (fagelementkode HRHK03671E)
Museer og udstillinger (fagelementkode HRHK03641E)
Artikler, film og foredrag (fagelementkode HRHK03651E)

KA Religionssociologi 2008-studieordning
Særligt studeret område: Religion og politik (fagelemenkode HRSK03441E)
Særligt studeret område: Regional religionssociologi (fagelementkode HRSK03481E)
Særligt studeret område 1 (fagelementkode HRSK03431E)
Formidling (fagelementkode HRSK03471E)

Særligt studeret område 2 (fagelementkode HRSK03491E) (for studerende med gymnasierettet tilvalg

Compendium. Course literature will be announced later.

The course includes lectures, excursions and a written assignment.
The course is offered to exchange-, guest students and ordinary students at the University of Copenhagen.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 84
  • Preparation
  • 328,5
  • Total
  • 412,5