HIAB00781U South Asian Cultures: Contestations, Negotiations, Transformations

Volume 2015/2016

Det centrale fag på BA niveau i Moderne Indien og Sydasienstudier, 2012

Tilvalget på BA niveau i Moderne Indien og Sydasienstudier, 2012


This course offers critical engagements with the diverse forms of South Asian cultural practices. It examines cultures as lived ‘everyday’ experiences intertwined with broader socio-economic and political changes, and negotiations of structures of caste, class, and gender. It does so by exploring a range of phenomena such as ethno-linguistic and religious identities, public/private distinctions, and engagements with forms of popular culture such as food, modes of dress, cinema, and sport. It draws on ethnographies of the region and its diasporas, as well as audio-visual materials such as films, documentary footage, music, and fiction. The course aims to illuminate critical debates about ‘modernity’ that characterise the contestations, negotiations, and transformations of cultures in South Asia and amongst its diasporas.

Learning Outcome

BA 2012-studieordning:
Kulturer i Indien og Sydasien (fagelementkode HIAB00781E)

BA-tilvalg 2012-studieordning:
Kulturer i Indien og Sydasien (fagelementkode HIAB10071E)

  • Arvind Rajagopal (ed.) (2009). The Indian Public Sphere.New York: Oxford University Press
  • Amita Baviskar and Raka Ray (Eds.). 2015 (2011). Elite and Everyman: the Cultural Politics of the Indian Middle Classes. New Delhi: Routledge. 
  • Emma Tarlo (2010) Visibly Muslim: Fashion, Politics, Faith. Oxford: Berg
  • Raminder Kaur and William Mazzarella (eds.), 2009. Censorship in South Asia: Cultural Regulation from Sedition to Seduction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


Other readings will be referred to during the course sessions

A mix of lectures, discussions, film viewings, written assignments, and group activities (e.g.excursions)
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 84
  • Preparation
  • 328,5
  • Total
  • 412,5