HENK04212U CIP - Presentation Techniques for graduate students

Volume 2016/2017

In this course, students will develop oral presentation skills that will assist them in successfully completing their courses and exams in English-medium courses at graduate level in their own field of study. Students will develop oral skills in the following areas: structuring and delivering formal presentations; taking part in discussions; and producing appropriately formal language. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to produce general, academic and domain-specific spoken English approaching the C-1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Students who have passed the course should be able to:

  • give a clear, well-structured presentation of a complex subject, expanding and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples;
  • participate in academic discussions and negotiate meaning;
  • effectively handle a question/answer session, responding spontaneously and almost effortlessly;
  • express ideas and opinions with precision;
  • present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly;
  • demonstrate fluency and ease of expression in complex stretches of speech;
  • produce clear, smoothly-flowing and well-structured speech, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices;
  • develop a good command of broad lexical repertoire, allowing gaps to be readily overcome with circumlocutions;
  • develop a good command of idiomatic expressions and collocations;
  • maintain good grammatical control; non-systematic errors and sentence structure flaws may still occur, but they are rare and can often be corrected in retrospect;
  • develop pronunciation which is clearly intelligible in an English-medium environment.

This is a workshop-style course with a focus on interactive discussions and practice presentations. Success on the course requires active participation and attendance (75%). Students are expected to draw on readings in their own discipline to submit an exam presentation as well as the research material on which the presentation is based.

Please note, that students enrolled in the MA English Studies cannot take this course.

Sign up

International MA students must register to AcademicEnglish@hum.ku.dk. In the e-mail you should put your student ID number, course wish and full name.

Full-degree students must register through the application “Indskrivning på enkelte kurser”. The deadline for registration is 1st of December 2016. The application form can be found on http:/​/​hum.ku.dk/​uddannelser/​skemaer/​enkeltestudieelementer.pdf/​Indskrivning-enkelte-kurser.pdf.

Please notice that registration is binding.

Please direct questions regarding registration to AcademicEnglish@hum.ku.dk and regarding the content of the course to cip@hum.ku.dk
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 24
  • Preparation
  • 180,75
  • Total
  • 204,75
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination
Oral exam (presentation) with material: The students’ presentation skills are assessed on the basis of a final 10-minute oral presentation followed by 10 minutes for discussion and question/answer session. The examination is graded according to the Danish 7-point scale and based on an assessment of the student’s fluency, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, structure and content.
Criteria for exam assesment