TTEARROH1U Language Course: Hebrew

Volume 2023/2024

The Religious Roots of Europe


From Scratch to the Bible. The course is a 10 ECTS crash course in biblical Hebrew. You will be trained in basic Hebrew grammar, enough to make you able to read biblical texts such as Genesis and the Book of Psalms by the end of the semester.

The course is taught as e-learning, including weekly conference calls via Skype. It will taught in the 'flipped classroom' style, meaning that you will watch online video lectures as part of your preparation for class. This means that we will not have to use time on lectures in class, giving students more time to having their queries cleared up. The lectures and textbook are found here:

'Biblical Hebrew' (this is an unpublished work and it is found here;
Thomas Lambdin, An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew;
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia or http:/​/​​text/​deuteronomy/​5-1.htm etc.
VIDEO LECTURES are found on YouTube, on the channel for the Religious Roots of Europe MA programme, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen (scroll down towards the bottom of the channel). For convenience, I have embedded them all on this page: http:/​/​​?Hebrew


The course is taught as e-learning, including weekly conference calls via Skype. It will taught in the 'flipped classroom' style, meaning that you will watch online video lectures as part of your preparation for class. This means that we will not have to use time on lectures in class, giving students more time to having their queries cleared up. The lectures and textbook are found here: http:/​/​​?Hebrew
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Total
  • 28
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Type of assessment details
Examination takes the form of a fixed written paper. The student is given one day to translate and to comment on an original language ancient text that has not been discussed and analysed as part of the teaching of the course.
Assesment: Graded with internal examination