TTEAKKFGTU KA Kernefag: Det Gamle Testamentes Eksegese: At optage helliget: kontekstuelle læsninger i bibelske litteratur og nutidsspørgsmål

Årgang 2020/2021
Engelsk titel

Engaging the Sacred: Contextual Readings in the biblical literature and Contemporary Questions




The course focuses on critical methodological approaches to enable the reception of biblical texts and themes in order to enable students to think through topics of religion more broadly than made possible by historical interpretation. It is envisioned as a complement to the course on ‘When the Bible Hurts’ and also the idea of ‘Being a Minister during war, terror and catastrophe’. It thus includes an overview to how the Bible heals.  The overarching idea is how to engage the sacred, in texts as well as in other representations (as in art, music or film, for example) in a way that is constructive to think about and confront contemporary challenges. The course is designed to introduce a variety of different non-historical methodological approaches in conjunction with different readings of biblical and extra-biblical literature (in Hebrew and Danish) in order to show the possibilities of textual interpretation for individual readers who come with their own questions and concerns.


The methodological approaches introduced will include, but are not limited to;

  • literary readings like metaphor, rhetoric and reader response
  • theological readings from the field of Old Testament theology as well as Jewish Tanak theology
  • socio-contextual readings from the fields of feminist, post-colonial, black theological, trauma and grief studies criticism
  • the Bible in music, film and art


The idea is to provide students with different ways to apply their knowledge to encounters with religion in everyday life and mutatis mutandis contemporary concerns and questions through the critical application of their theological education. To that end, the course is designed to include student presentations of a methodological approach of choice applied to a reading of biblical texts or the representation of biblical themes in the Fine Arts in order to enable a deep-learning experience.


Kursets læringsmål er forståelse af udvalgte GT-tekster set inden for en overordnet gammeltestamentlig problemstilling med udblik til teksternes teologiske relevans i øvrigt (jf. KAN-studieordningen § 2.4.2)

Der arbejdes frem mod læringsmålene ved en kombination af hjemmearbejde, forelæsning, studenterfremlæggelser, diskussion og 1-2 skriftlige opgaver (som form- og indholdsmæssigt vil lægge sig tæt op ad den skriftlige del af eksamen) med efterfølgende kollektiv og individuel feedback.


Tekster læst på hebraisk (30 sider):

i udvalg


Foreløbig kursuslitteratur:

Leo G. Perdue, Reconstructing Old Testament Theology After the Collapse of History. Overtures to Biblical Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005.

J. Middlemas, Lamentations: A Study Guide. London & NY: Bloomsbury, 2021.

Se studieordningen
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Holdundervisning
  • 56
  • Forberedelse (anslået)
  • 244
  • Eksamen
  • 120
  • I alt
  • 420
Løbende feedback i undervisningsforløbet
Peerfeedback (studerende giver hinanden feedback)
Skriftlig prøve
Mundtlig prøve
Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve: Skriftlig hjemmeopgave fulgt af mundtlig prøve af højst 45 minutters varighed inkl. bedømmelse. Den skriftlige besvarelse skal have et omfang af 16.800-24.000 tegn, dvs. 7-10 sider.
Den mundtlige prøve tager udgangspunkt i den skriftlige besvarelse, men skal prøve eksaminanden inden for hele det opgivne pensum.
7-trins skala
