SKBK19002E Master's Thesis, Quantitative Biology and Disease Modelling, 32,5 ECTS-credits

Volume 2024/2025

MSc Programme in Quantitative Biology and Disease Modelling - compulsory



Learning Outcome

The Master's Thesis is the final assignment of the Master's Study Programme. The objective is to give the student an opportunity to use the acquired knowledge independently in a major assignment.

The supervision process includes communication of the learning goals of the Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis and its oral defence shall document that the student satisfies Programme objectives with regard to the use, elaboration and dissemination of specialised knowledge. A student who has fully achieved the Programme's goals will be able to:

  • use professional terminology relevant to the field in the discussion and analysis including correct use of practices with regard to quotation and statement of references.
  • employ theories and interpretations relevant to the field.
  • perform literature searches in accordance with generally accepted and frequently used methods in the field, e.g. databases, books and scientific journals.
  • delimit one or more problem fields in a manner relevant to research and current professional discussions in the field.
  • treat the problem fields comprehensively within the context provided by a Master's Thesis and using the skills achieved during the studies, including new international research literature.
  • document and argue the assertions, theses and conclusions presented, e.g. by referring to generally accepted sources or through clear arguments and theoretical deliberations.
  • convey the subject in a well-structured, clear and pedagogical manner.
  • present the topic in a conceptually and linguistically precise and cohesive manner so that the presented theses, arguments and conclusions appear coherent internally and in relation to the field's fundamental assumptions.
  • demonstrate self-dependence, e.g. by contributing to conceptual innovation, conceptual clarification, clarification of a problem field, presentation of new arguments or criticism of known arguments and points of view.
  • sum up the contents and results of the Master's Thesis in an adequate and precise abstract.
The Master's Thesis may not be initiated until the student has completed courses equivalent to 72,5 ECTS points of the Master's Programmeand this is confirmed by the DTU Study Administration.
It is recommended that any general competence courses and technical specialisation courses be concluded before initiating this course.
The Master's Thesis is the work of a single student. However, two students may present and hand in a project on a shared subject and in this context share any general descriptive sections, e.g. the introduction. The Master's Thesis subject shall normally fall within the field of subjects covered by the Study Programme. The Master's Thesis subject is agreed on by the student and a supervisor. The delimitation and approval of the thesis is made following further discussion between the student and the main supervisor. The agreed subject shall be approved by the Head of Studies. Several supervisors may be attached to a Master's Thesis project. The main supervisor shall be affiliated to the Study Programme. Furthermore, the main supervisor acts as examiner and is responsible for the project's academic quality. Secondary supervisors may be affiliated with other study programmes at the University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, other tertiary educational institutions, clinical practices or companies related to the field. Training consists of supervision.

Allocated hours for supervision:
-Single student: 60 hours supervision, including reading of assignemt and examination
-Group of two students: 69 hours supervision, including reading of aasignemt and examination
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Project work
  • 764
  • Guidance
  • 60
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Total
  • 825
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
32,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment, -
Oral defence, -
Type of assessment details
Oral 60-minute exam consisting of 30 minutes of oral presentation of the Master's Thesis using AV equipment followed by 30 minutes of scientific discussion focussing on the problems presented in the thesis. If two students have prepared thesis on a shared subject, they attend the oral exam individually. The oral defence of projects which were prepared in a company may be presented non-publically if so agreed with the supervisor.
At the assessment of a Master's Thesis, the academic contents shall carry the greatest weight. The student's ability to express her or himself is also assessed, but weighs less, while correct spelling is only of limited importance. The report and oral exam are assessed together as one unit.

If student and supervisor agree, it is possible to hold the oral exam online. Together, the student(s) and supervisor must decide:
- Whether the exam is to be held solely physically
- Whether the exam is to be held solely online
- Whether the external examiner can participate online if they wish.
The supervisor must inform the exam coordinator when booking an external examiner
Exam registration requirements

The Master's Thesis may not be initiated until the student has completed courses equivalent to 72,5 ECTS points of the Master's Programmeand this is confirmed by the DTU Study Administration.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Criteria for exam assesment

To achieve the maximum grade of 12, the student shall be able to:


  • select, explain and discuss relevant theory
  • select, explain and use a scientific method relevant to the problem at hand
  • if existing empirical material is comprised: critically assess the design, methods used, quality and any research ethical considerations related to such material
  • if the student's own empirical material is used: state motivation for design, methods used, discuss the collected material's quality, including research ethical considerations related to such material
  • conclude, critically discuss and put into perspective the knowledge produced in the Master's Thesis in relation to use, topicality and theory or method development
  • present a logically cohesive and well-founded argumentation covering the statement of the problem at hand, analysis and conclusion


  • process a well-delimited and clear problem within the field of Biomedical Engineering
  • plan, perform and document a structured and focused literature search and retrieve relevant literature
  • plan and perform an independent analysis based on the problem at hand and critically assess own results
  • document an ability to produce an academic presentation in writing as well as orally