SFAK18003U Pharmaceutical Policy

Årgang 2019/2020
Engelsk titel

Pharmaceutical Policy


MSc programme in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences - compulsory

MSc programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (english programme) - elective

MSc programme in Medicinal Chemistry - elective


The course focuses on the areas of pharmaceutical policy making, regulatory science, health economics evaluation and health care ethics.

Students work with real world cases applying concepts, theories and tools from various scientific disciplines to analyze the case.

The main topics of the course are: health care systems, key actors in pharmaceutical policy making, drug regulatory systems, systems to support rational use of medicines, core ethical concepts used in health care, ethical aspects of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in society, economic tools to manage medicines use and costs, prioritization in health care systems, and health economic evaluation.


The aim of the course is to facilitate the students’ understanding of pharmaceutical policy questions on the societal level based on cross-disciplinary, critical and analytical work with real world cases.

The course should make the student able to argue on real world issues and to analyze underlying interests, ethical and political standpoints of key actors within the pharmaceutical and medical device arena. In addition the course should give the student basic knowledge of how health economics is used in the pharmaceutical policy arena.

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:


  • Classify and describe the general traits of health care systems
  • Describe the overall regulatory aspects in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Outline regulation, funding, pricing and distribution of medicines in society
  • Describe basic concepts in health economics and priority setting in health care
  • Describe basic concepts in health care ethics



  • Identify the different actors' interests and how they argue their positions
  • Apply concepts to identify political, ethical and health economic aspects of pharmaceutical policy
  • Identify ethical issues in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Conduct well-founded ethical argumentation regarding pharmaceutical issues using basic ethics concepts
  • Identify and discuss the relevance of a given health economic evaluation and the outcome measures used
  • Evaluate and discuss the choices made in health economic evaluations



  • Discuss and synthesize current issues in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices overall, based on both political, economic and ethical/ ideological aspects using relevant tools and concepts
  • Be able to critically evaluate and extract well-balanced conclusions from published health economic evaluations.

Rascati K: Essential of Pharmacoeconomics. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (latest edition).

Scientific literature, media debates, articles, links to homepages, etc. posted on Absalon

The course assumes skills commensurate to a Bachelor in Pharmacy including a course in Social Pharmacy or equivalent insight into the user perspective on medicines and basic knowledge of drug utilization statistics.
• Lectures and discussion seminars
• Case work in groups and discussion of cases
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Eksamen
  • 38
  • Forberedelse
  • 88
  • Forelæsninger
  • 52
  • Seminar
  • 16
  • Øvelser
  • 12
  • I alt
  • 206
Peerfeedback (studerende giver hinanden feedback)
7,5 ECTS
Skriftlig prøve, 6 hours med opsyn.
Written exam, 6 hours of supervision. The exam consists of questions for one or more cases focusing on the subject areas of policy, ethics and economics. The documents related to the cases are handed out 24 hours prior to the actual examination via Absalon, while the specific form of the questions is handed out in the written exam. A minor part of the exam (10% or less) is general knowledge questions about the content and not directly related to the case materials.
Skriftlige hjælpemidler tilladt

There is access to the following, at the exam on Peter Bangs Vej:

  • R – Statistical programme
  • MathType - formular programme
  • Mable
  • USB access – for usb stick with notes ect.


It is allowed to bring your own calculator without stored data.


7-trins skala
Ekstern censur
Kriterier for bedømmelse

To pass the exam the student must be able to:


  • Classify and describe the general traits of health systems
  • Describe the overall regulatory aspects in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Outline regulation, funding, pricing and distribution of medicines in society
  • Basic concepts in health economics and priority setting in health care
  • Basic concepts in health care ethics



  • Identify the different actors' interests and how they argue their positions
  • Apply concepts to identify political, ethical and health economic aspects of pharmaceutical policy
  • Identify ethical issues in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Conduct well-founded ethical argumentation regarding pharmaceutical issues using basic ethics concepts
  • Identify and discuss the relevance of a given health economic evaluation and the outcome measures used
  • Evaluate and discuss the choices made in health economic evaluations



  • Be able to discuss and synthesize current issues in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices using relevant tools and concepts
  • Be able to critically evaluate and extract well-balanced conclusions from published health economic evaluations.