NFYK22001U Advanced Computational Geophysics

Volume 2024/2025

MSc Programme in Climate Change

MSc Programme in Physics


The course will cover several aspects of advanced computational geophysics. The focus will be on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, potential fields, and diffusion processes. Applications considered in this course will be from seismology, geodesy, numerical geology, and other fields of computational geophysics.

Learning Outcome


The course will give the students

  • a basic understanding of of the mathematics and numerical techniques of computational geophysics.



This course aims to provide the student with skills to

  • Compute numerical solutions to simplified wave propagation problems in seismology
  • Compute numerical solutions to simplified potential field problems in geodesy and geomagnetism
  • Compute numerical solutions to simplified diffusion problems in, e.g., hydrology and sedimentology
  • Evaluate the stability and accuracy of numerical schemes





The students will be able to

  • plan, develop and carry out basic data simulations in computational geophysics.

See Absalon

Mathematical analysis, vector calculus, partial differential equations, linear algebra.
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree in physics is recommended.
Lectures and computer exercises
This course replaces the previous course "Advanced Seismology"
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 32
  • Preparation
  • 68
  • Practical exercises
  • 16
  • Project work
  • 50
  • Guidance
  • 40
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment, during the course
Oral examination, 30 minutes (no preparation time)
Type of assessment details
Two mandatory assignments(50%) followed by an individual oral examination (50%).
The parts of the exam must be passed separately (minimum grade 02).
Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners

Same as the ordinary exam.

If the student has not passed the assignments, new assignments must be submitted 3 weeks before the oral re-exam.

Criteria for exam assesment

See Learning Outcome