HPOB01061U Portugisisk og brasilianske studier: Portugisisk sprog og kultur 1: Introduktion

Årgang 2019/2020
Engelsk titel

Portugese and Brazilian Studies: Portuguese Language and Culture 1: An Introduction


Sprog og kultur: Introduktion (fælles forelæsning med fransk, italiensk, tysk, portugisiske og brasilianske studier):

Kurset giver et indblik i både den enkelte uddannelse og en bredere humanistisk faglighed. Det gælder dels i forhold til de centralfaglige områder som sprog, litteratur, samfund og kultur og dels i forhold til studietekniske aspekter som læsestrategier, litteratursøgning og argumentationsteknik.  

Omdrejningspunktet for den fælles del af kurset er sammenhængen mellem sprog og kultur og sprogets betydning for den kulturelle og historiske udvikling. Der gennemgås centrale begreber og aspekter inden for sprog og kultur. Derudover behandles sprogets betydning i forhold til nutidige problematikker som f.eks. terror, magt og fake news.

Kurset bidrager til at skabe en faglig identitet, blive bevidst om egne kompetencer samt give indsigt i, hvordan disse bruges i erhvervsmæssig sammenhæng.


Det portugisiske forløb:

This introduction course provides an overview about the history and actuality of the countries where Portuguese is spoken (the “Portuguese-speaking World”), with special attention to Brazil and Portugal.

Students build knowledge about Portugal’s role as a pioneer of globalization in the 15th and 16th centuries and learn how this first and last colonial Empire ended through national independencies (the first 1822 in Brazil, the last 2002 in East Timor). Students are introduced to some of the central issues which are relevant for understanding the Portuguese-speaking world in the past and today. Among these are topics like slave trade and slavery, the justification of colonialism through the ideology of Lusotropicalism, dictatorship and democratization, race relations and diversity policies, social inequality and violence, the role of Brazil as a potential global player, migration, and cultures of memory. Furthermore, this course trains academic techniques and makes the students familiar with scientific approaches in the Humanities.

This course prepares for the follow-up course “Introduction to Area Studies in the Portuguese-speaking World” where students get the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on selected topics and are trained in analyzing them Students are introduced to the history of the Portuguese-overseas expansion. We discuss Portugal’s role as a pioneer of globalization in the 15th and 16th centuries and the national independences of these regions dominated by the Portuguese: from Brazil in 1822 to the African ex-colonies in 1975 to East Timor in 2002. Students also get to acquire first notions about some of the most important topics, which are relevant for the Portuguese-speaking world and which will be studied more in depth during the whole program. Among these central topics are, for example, the entanglements of the different regions through the so called “Lusophone Black Atlantic”, slave trade and slavery, dictatorship and democracy, questions of race relations and diversity policies, social inequality and violence, the new role of Brazil as a global player, Portuguese migration in the world and the construction of cultures of memory. During the course, academic techniques such as reading strategies, information search and scientific methods will be applied and trained.

The course is taught in English and prepares for the follow-up course “Introduction to Area Studies on the Portuguese-speaking world” where the students have the opportunity to learn the theoretical and analytical skills of an interdisciplinary Area Studies approach which gives the tools to a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the Portuguese-speaking world.through an interdisciplinary Area Studies approach.

Holdundervisning, gruppearbejde og problembaseret læring.
Kurset bliver undervist på engelsk
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Forberedelse
  • 353,5
  • Holdundervisning
  • 56
  • I alt
  • 409,5
The portfolio consists of the following activities which must be completed at the established deadlines (all dates to be confirmed in the semester plan):
Oral presentation (individual dates), essay (week 37)
Bibliography exercise (week 40)
6 other written assignments (week 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)
Total amount of pages: 16-20
Alle hjælpemidler tilladt
bestået/ikke bestået
Ingen ekstern censur



Ved syge-/omprøven skal portfolien, ud over de bundne elementer, der indgår ved den ordinære prøve, rumme et afsnit af 4-5 normalsiders længde, hvori der gøres rede for og reflekteres over problemstillinger i tilknytning til faget (som repræsenteret i kursuslitteraturen og i undervisningen undervejs), som ikke har været adresseret i de bundne elementer.