HNAB0103FU NÆR, Tilgange til arkæologi (F24)
Approaches to Archaeology
Fagstudieordning Bacheloruddannelserne i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi og ægyptologi, 2019
Fagstudieordning Bachelortilvalg i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi og ægyptologi, 2019
The course is based on the historical and archaeological overview students have gained through the first semester and builds on it. The course treats approaches to questions such as for instance political organisation, gender studies, landscape archaeology, pottery analysis, technical development, art and propaganda etc, and is arranged thematically. The basic knowledge will be taught in lectures, but the students will prepare for each class discussions and presentations about these approaches and topics. This can happen in group discussions and group presentations. At the end of the semester the students will each present a short lecture that will give a specific example of an approach to an archaeological question and material.
The “Past Cultures” course is integral part of Approaches to Archaeology
BA 2019-studieordning
Tilgange til arkæologi (aktivitetskode HNAB00171E)
BA tilvalg 2019-studieordning:
Tilgange til arkæologi (aktivitetskode HNAB10311E)
- Kategori
- Timer
- Forelæsninger
- 46
- Forberedelse (anslået)
- 286,5
- Praktiske øvelser
- 20
- Projektarbejde
- 40
- Eksamen
- 20
- I alt
- 412,5
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Andet
Kriterier for bedømmelse
- Sprog
- Engelsk
- Kursuskode
- HNAB0103FU
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Niveau
- BachelorBachelor tilvalg
- Varighed
- 1 semester
- Placering
- Forår
- Skemagruppe
- se link nedenfor
- Studienævnet for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier
Udbydende institut
- Institut for Tværkulturelle og regionale studier
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Susanne Kerner (6-726c79756c79476f7c7435727c356b72)
Susanne Kerner,
Ingolf Thuesen
Scott Haddow,
Lisa Yeomans,