HMØK00026U Introduction to Central Asia: history, peoples, cultures

Volume 2016/2017

BA elective for Centralasian and  Afghanistan Studies, 2013 studieordning

Mellemøstens sprog og kulturer med specialisering i de centrale fag Arabisk, Assyriologi, Hebraisk, Nærorientalsk arkæologi, Persisk, Tyrkisk and Ægyptologi 2010

Kandidatuddannelsen i Mellemøstens sprog og samfund, 2008


In recent decades Central Asia has experienced a renaissance both in international politics and in academic discourse. Interest in the region is due to a number of factors, such as its geo-political position on the frontiers of great powers, its rich energy resources and the dominance of Islam. Historically speaking, this region was part of the legendary Silk Road, thus connecting East Asia with Europe, was scene of the emergence and demise of many great nomadic empires and it was also here where the famous power struggle of the colonial empires known as the Great Game unfolded in the 19th century. The course offers an introduction to this vast region which, in addition to the independent Republics which emerged in the wake of the demise of the Soviet Union, culturally also includes neighbouring territories, such as Afghanistan and the vast area of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China.

Students in Turkish studies will be offered additional  text readings in Turkish related to the history, society and culture in the contemporary Turkic speaking world.


Learning Outcome

BA tilvalg-ordning 2013

Tematisk emne (fagelementkode: HPEB10111E)
Analytisk emne (fagelementkode:  HPEB10121E)
Frit emne (fagelementkode: HPEB10131E)

BA 2010-ordning:

Udvalg tema om Tyrkiet og/eller den tyrkisk sprogede verden (fagelementkode HTRB01301E) 

KA 2008-ordning:

Emnekursus A (fagelementkode HMØK03711E)

List of readings are uploaded on Absalon. Furthermore, students will have to read:

Svat Soucek: A history of Inner Asia. Cambridge University Press, 2000

Forelæsninger, diskussioner, præsentationer
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 74
  • Lectures
  • 70
  • Preparation
  • 268,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment