HIVK03415U Records and information management, Elective module

Volume 2018/2019

Creation and management of business-critical information is integral to any organizations activities, processes and systems. Records and information management enable organization to capitalize on the value on their information resources, as business, legal or knowledge assets and to contribute to the preservation of the collective memory, in response to the challenges in the global and digital environment.

The course in records and information management is based on organizations need for control and management of business-critical records (information, data or documentation) in a lifecycle perspective including IT, medias and formats. The course covers drivers for records and information management, legal requirements and business needs. It covers both physical and electronic media and touches on technology, risk analysis, process analysis, performance evaluation in the digital as well as the analog environment. The records management theory is developing rapidly facing the digital reality and has its roots in archival theory, digital preservation, organizational theory, strategy, information security, law and information management.

All topics will be highlighted using relevant theories, international standards and supported by case analysis. The course is divided into six overall areas:

1: Introduction to records and information management, business drivers and ISO standards

2: Lifecycle perspective for records, IT-systems and technology

3: Information governance 1: Information security management, information privacy and information protection

4: Information governance 2: Data integrity, cloud computing, management of social media and big data

5: Analysis of risks and business processes, quality assurance and auditing

6: Information project management, evaluation and continuous improvement information management programs.

Learning Outcome

Competence objectives for the module

The objective of the module is to provide the student with

knowledge and understanding of:

  • A specific subject within library and information science.
  • Relevant theories and methods related to the module's theme.


skills in:

  • Identifying and outlining academic issues within library and information science and make these the object of independent analysis.
  • Reflecting critically on theoretical and methodological choices in relation to an academic issue.
  • Expanding on and putting a chosen subject field within library and information science into perspective.


competences in:

  • Applying relevant theories and methods to a subject within library and information science.
  • Communicating a scientifically studied issue


Academic objectives

The examinee is able to

  • Delimit and deal with and issue within library and information science.
  • Give an account of central theories of relevance to the chosen subject independently and at a level that reflects in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject's scientific methods.
  • Consider own theoretical and methodological choices critically.
  • Communicate a scientifically studied issue.

Examples of literature that will be used in the course:

  • Franks, PC (2013) Records and Information Management. London, Facet
  • ISO 30300:2011 Information and documentation - Management systems for records — Requirements
  • Kahn, R.A. & Barclay T.B., (2009) Information nation -Seven Keys to Information 2ed. Indianapolis, (IN), Wiley
  • Smallwood, R.F. (2014) Information Governance : Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices. Wiley
Class lectures, guest lectures, class discussions, group work, student presentations and individual work.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 45
  • Exam
  • 120
  • Preparation
  • 245,8
  • Total
  • 410,8
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Examination language: English
Extent: 15-20 standard pages. For group exam, the extent is increased by
10 standard pages per extra student.
The written take-home assignment, optional subject, can at the creation of
the course, by the teacher, be arranged as 2-4 individual portfolio exercises
written during the course and subsequently revised prior to the final submission
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period

Winter exam 2018


Written take-home assignment, set subject, 10-15 standard pages, with 7 days to complete the assignment February 2019.