HIVK01061U Kbh: Videnskabelig kommunikation og forskningsanalyse, Konstituerende valg A2

Årgang 2016/2017
Engelsk titel

Kbh: Scholarly Communication and science Studies, Constituent elective A2


Informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, STO 2016


Actors, institutions and processes in scientific and scholarly communication. Actors include researchers, mediators (with, for example, peer reviewers and information specialists) and users. Institutions include, for example, publishers, libraries, journals, databases, disciplines and Cochrane centers. Processes include, for example, knowledge production, information seeking and retrieval, research evaluation, and information dissemination.   

The actors, institutions and processes are studied from different perspectives, including sociological, philosophical, science studies and bibliometric perspectives, but always with a specific focus on information studies. 

Among the concepts covered are the information chain, UNISIST model, digital media, Wikipedia, information quality, theories and traditions, (including Robert K. Merton' normative view and social epistemology) and their importance for the study of scholarly communication.


Competence objectives for the module

The objective of the module is to provide the student with

knowledge and understanding of:

  • Positions and basic concepts in science studies

  • Knowledge production in different fields and domains, including social sectors, research fields, research traditions, as well as the interaction between these sectors and their patterns of publication and forms of documents.

  • Bibliometric models and methods for research analysis and studies of scholarly communication.

skills in:

  • Describing different theories, methods, and traditions in science studies

competences in:

  • Discuss concepts in the sociology of science and the philosophy of science in specific problems in relation to scholarly communication

  • To plan and make bibliometric investigations of knowledge production and knowledge mediation.


Academic objectives

The examinee is able to

  • In a reflective way to set out positions and basic concepts in the sociology of science and their importance for knowledge production and its application and impact.
  • Independent design and complete bibliometric analyses of knowledge production and its later application i a given domain.
  • To reflect upon theoretical and methodological strengths and weaknesses in studies of knowledge production and scholarly communication by the candidate herself or by other authors.

Eksempler på litteratur der tænkes anvendt på kurset:

  • Cotta-Schønberg, Michael (2012). Forskningsbibliotekernes strategiske situation 2012. I: Viden i spil: Forskningsbibliotekernes funktioner i forandring. (21-66). Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur (or corresponding text in English) 
  • Hjørland, Birger (2016). Informetrics needs a foundation in the theory of science. In Cassidy Sugimoto (red.). Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication (pp. 20-46) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Regazzi, John J. (2015). Big data, big science, and social acedemic networks. In Scholarly communications: A history from content as king to content as kingmaker (pp. 209-222). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  •  Willinsky, John & Moorhead, Laura (2014). How the rise of open access is altering journal publishing. In The future of the academic journal. 2nd. edition (pp. 195-222). Oxford: Chandos.
Class teaching, lectures, group work, and seminars based on the interests and projects of the participants.
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Eksamen
  • 120
  • Forberedelse
  • 245,8
  • Holdundervisning
  • 45
  • I alt
  • 410,8
Skriftlig aflevering
Exam language: Danish or English
Extent: 15-20 normalsider + 10 normalsider pr. studerende udover én.
Alle hjælpemidler tilladt
7-trins skala
Ingen ekstern censur

Summer exam 2017


Same exam form as the ordinary exam. August 2017