HFMK03530U Cancelled Digital Media Structures and Creative Film and Media Industries: Seminar B

Volume 2020/2021

Master’s Degree Programme in Film and Media Studies 2019


In this seminar, we focus on the actors, practices, and structures that constitute digital cultures in networked societies. An emphasis will be on specific fields of digital communication deemed essential for modern democracies and the negotiation of shared norms and values: journalism, politics, media industries, and the civil society. Processes of digitization forced actors in these fields to adapt to or co-create digital media environments that have become essential for today´s communicators to remain relevant and gain or maintain influence and power. We will investigate how journalists, politicians, entrepreneurs, activists, and ordinary users engage in and contribute to digital cultures, how their media-related practices (do not) change due to the ongoing digitization, and which networked structures emerge from their doings both locally and globally. For digital journalism, we discuss the strategies addressing digital content production, economic challenges, and the employment of digital technologies/platforms to reach audiences and remain a trusted pillar of democratic control and orientation. Regarding politics, we will take a look at social media campaigning and the possibility for politicians and parties to be in direct contact with the potential voter on social media, which fundamentally changed the political culture and communication—just as much as phenomena like shitstorms, fake news, and hate speech did. This then leads us to the role and responsibilities of the “Big Tech” intermediaries, which created the digital platforms and services that unleashed digital communication with all its positive and negative effects we witness today, including the potential of bottom-up social, cultural, and political engagement of activists, influencers, and ordinary users who shape public discourses in a plethora of arguments, opinions, and emotions.

Learning Outcome

At the examination, the student is able to demonstrate:

Knowledge and understanding of:

  • digital media systems’ infrastructures and dynamics, both nationally and globally, and digital media industries' organisational structures, forms of financing and value creation processes.
  • creative film and media industries’ work processes and forms of organisation in a digital media landscape, including film and television production, journalism and targeted communication.
  • central theories and concepts of digital media structures and film and media industries.
  • the dynamics between creative processes, media-economic models and general principles of media systems.


Skills to:

  • analyse global and network-based distribution and business models, user interaction and produsage and working methods, workflows and processes in different types of film and media organisations.
  • formulate specific research questions on the digital film and media landscape with relevance to specific players in a range of industries.
  • understand the work processes in different film and media industries in relation to wider media structural contexts.


Competencies to:

  • analyse developments in the current digital film and media landscape and assess these in relation to film and media.
  • understand the correlation between overall structural aspects of a digital media culture and specific film and media industries.
  • solve analytical problems for specific players in the different Danish film and media industries and argue for their academic and research relevance.
  • identify new trends and developments on the basis of research-based knowledge.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 353,5
  • Total
  • 409,5
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)
Type of assessment
Exam registration requirements

Active class participation is defined as:

  • At least 75% attendance


Approval of 2-3 oral or written exercises set by the lecturer (10-15 minute presentation or 3-5 standard pages per submission).


Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Criteria for exam assesment