HEGRTVF22U FÆL 4 EU+ course Jewish Identity and Memory in European Literature and Culture (Elective MA/BA)

Volume 2021/2022

This course part of a 4EU+ project on Jews in Europe. It includes the possibility for a field trip to Milano or Warszawa.

Course description

This course Jewish Identity and Memory in European Literature and Culture is concerned with the significant impact, which the Holocaust and displacement has had on literature from 1945 until today. In the first lections, we will study literature by eyewitnesses, investigate the question of actual witnessing and the impact, which the Holocaust has had on different author’s perception of Judaism. We will read excerpts of texts by Primo, Levi, Ruth Klüger and Charlotte Delbo.

In the second part of the course, we will turn our attention towards literature by Jewish authors from the second and third generation. Working with the concept of postmemory, we will investigate a transnational tendency in Jewish literature to express the former generation’s traumatic experiences alongside with negotiating their Jewish origin and the question which meaning Judaism possibly can have for them today. This part of the course includes an American Holocaust Comic by Art Spiegelmann, touches upon the displacement of Sephardic Jews to France in a short story by Barbara Honigmann, and Russian-Jewish migrant literature by Olga Grjasnowa and Katja Petrowskaja.


The readings will form the starting point for a fieldwork that will be carried out in Milano, Denmark or Warszawa in which we will talk to representatives of the Jewish community or Jewish activists and ask questions like how it is to live as a Jew today, how they would define their Jewish Identity, and what they think about the need or danger of assimilation.


Preliminary Readinglist: Excerpts of the following books

  • Primo Levi: If this is a man
  • Ruth Klüger: Still alive
  • Charlotte Delbo: Auschwitz and After
  • Gunda Kinz: ”Re: Commemoration” in: I want it to be my concern by Esther Dischereit
  • Art Spiegelmann Maus II
  • Barbara Honigmann: Zohara’s journey (Sephardic Jews);
  • Olga Grjasnowa: All Russians love Birch trees. (chapter in Israel) (Russian-Jewish migrant literature)
  • Katja Petrowskaja: Maybe Esther (chapter: Babi Yar)


Secondary literature

  • Thomas Nolden and Vivian Liska: Introduction, Contemporary Jewish Writing in Europe. A Guide
  • Alvin Rosenfeld: “Améry, Levy, Wiesel: The Futility of Holocaust Testimony” in: Katz, Steven T., and Rosen, Alan, eds. Elie Wiesel: Jewish, Literary, and Moral Perspectives. Bloomington, IN, USA: Indiana University Press, 2013. sider 229-229 
  • Marianne Hirsch: The Generation of Postmemory (Columbia University Press, 2012)
  • Jessica Ortner Memory between Locality and Mobility – Diaspora, Holocaust and Exile as reflected in contemporary German-Jewish Literature
  • Luba Jurgenson: “The case of Robert Antelme” in: Sign Systems Studies 34.2, 2006 s 441-453
Online lectures and onsite lectures for Danish students
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 353,5
  • Total
  • 409,5
Not relevant
Type of assessment
Prøveform: Portfolio.
Omfang: 21-25 normalsider, jf. Særlige bestemmelser.
Bedømmelse: Intern prøve ved én eksaminator bedømt efter 7-trins-skalaen.
Gruppebestemmelser: Prøven kan kun aflægges individuelt.
Eksaminationssprog: Dansk eller det studerede sprog.
Tilladte hjælpemidler: Alle.
Syge-/omprøve: Portfolio, 26-30 normalsider, jf. Særlige bestemmelser

Særlige bestemmelser: Portfolien består af en række bundne elementer, hvoraf en del kan udgøres
af mundtlige oplæg. Den konkrete beskrivelse af elementerne og hvorledes
de vægtes fremgår af kursusbeskrivelsen.
Exam registration requirements

To pass the course, students must write a paper in English or in their native language, the subject of which is to be agreed upon with the professor/lecturer of their university. The students will be asked to answer a questionnaire before and after the course to measure the improvement of their knowledge and awareness regarding the subjects of the course.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period



Ved syge-/omprøven skal portfolien, ud over de bundne elementer (aktiviteter), der indgår ved den ordinære prøve, rumme en besvarelse på 4-5 normalsider af en ekstra opgave. Denne opgave formuleres af underviseren og
dækker et emne eller en vinkel, der ikke allerede er behandlet i de bundne

Criteria for exam assesment
Type of assessment
Prøveform: Portfolio.
Omfang: 21-25 normalsider, jf. Særlige bestemmelser.
Bedømmelse: Intern prøve ved én eksaminator bedømt efter 7-trins-skalaen.
Gruppebestemmelser: Prøven kan kun aflægges individuelt.
Eksaminationssprog: Dansk eller det studerede sprog.
Tilladte hjælpemidler: Alle.
Syge-/omprøve: Portfolio, 26-30 normalsider, jf. Særlige bestemmelser.

Særlige bestemmelser: Portfolien består af en række bundne elementer, hvoraf en del kan udgøres
af mundtlige oplæg. Den konkrete beskrivelse af elementerne og hvorledes
de vægtes fremgår af kursusbeskrivelsen.
Exam registration requirements

To pass the course, students must write a paper in English or in their native language, the subject of which is to be agreed upon with the professor/lecturer of their university. The students will be asked to answer a questionnaire before and after the course to measure the improvement of their knowledge and awareness regarding the subjects of the course.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period



Ved syge-/omprøven skal portfolien, ud over de bundne elementer (aktiviteter), der indgår ved den ordinære prøve, rumme en besvarelse på 4-5 normalsider af en ekstra opgave. Denne opgave formuleres af underviseren og dækker et emne eller en vinkel, der ikke allerede er behandlet i de bundne elementer.

Criteria for exam assesment