HAIK0106FU ASI, Asien i verden (F24)
Global Asia
Udbydes efter:
- Kandidatuddannelsen i asienstudier 2021
- Kandidattilvalg i asienstudier 2021
- Kandidatuddannelsen i kinastudier 2019
- Kandidatuddannelsen i japanstudier 2019
The course 'Global Asia' focuses on Asias role in the world. It consists of both a common part for all students, which introduces themes, theories and methods that are relevant for Asian Studies as a whole, and specialized seminars that treat perspectives and examples that are specific to the chosen region (China, Japan, Korea, or South Asia).
Kandidatuddannelsen i asienstudier 2021
Asien i verden – hindi (Aktivitetskode: HIAK03021E)
Asien i verden – japansk (Aktivitetskode: HJAK03291E)
Asien i verden – kinesisk (Aktivitetskode: HKIK03191E)
Asien i verden – koreansk (Aktivitetskode: HKOK03071E)
Kandidattilvalg i asienstudier 2021
Asien i verden – områdestudier Japan (Aktivitetskode: HJAK13031E
Asien i verden – områdestudier Kina (Aktivitetskode: HKIK13031E
Asien i verden – områdestudier Korea (Aktivitetskode: HKOK13031E
Asien i verden – områdestudier moderne Indien og sydasien
(Aktivitetskode: HIAK13031E
Exchange students MA level
Global Asia – area studies, Japan (HJAK13031E)
Global Asia – area studies, China (HKIK13031E)
Global Asia – area studies, Korea (HKOK13031E)
Global Asia – area studies, Modern India and South Asia
Annonceres på Absalon
- Kategori
- Timer
- Forelæsninger
- 56
- Forberedelse (anslået)
- 356,5
- I alt
- 412,5
Sign up for international students:
Exchange students:apply for courses in Mobility Online. Questions regarding course registration should be directed to visitingstudents@hum.ku.dk .
International fee-paying guest students:visit https://humanities.ku.dk/education/guest/on how to sign up for courses.
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Andet
Kriterier for bedømmelse
Se studieordning her:
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- AndetAndet
Kriterier for bedømmelse
Academic targets
At the examination, the student can demonstrate:
Knowledge and understanding of
academic theories and methods used in the study of Asia.
a problem chosen by the student and illuminated based on academic literature.
Skills in
defining and contextualising a problem in a theoretical, methodological or comparative manner.
searching for knowledge about a specific problem.
independently contextualising and providing a perspective on issues in Asia, possibly related to one’s own area of expertise.
Competencies in
planning, conducting and communicating an independent analysis of a specific problem chosen by the student
putting a specific topic chosen by the student in a wider theoretical, methodical or comparative context.
The student submits a syllabus of 1200 pages of scientific literature. The examiner specifies a time for the approval of the problem formulation and syllabus, and these are to be enclosed with the assignment at the final submission. The examiner is entitled to demand that the student provides copies of texts that are not readily available.
Teaching and working methods
Lectures, class instruction and individual supervision.
Exam provisions
Form of exam: Take-home assignment, optional subject.
Scope: 16-20 standard pages.
Assessment: Internal exam with a single examiner with assessment based on the 7-point grading scale.
Regulations for group exams: The exam can only be taken individually.
Exam language(s): Danish or English.
Permitted exam aids: All support materials are permitted.
Make-up exam/resit: Conducted in the same manner as the ordinary exam.
- Sprog
- Engelsk - Delvist på dansk.
- Kursuskode
- HAIK0106FU
- Point
- Se eksamensbeskrivelse
- Niveau
- KandidatKandidat tilvalg
- Varighed
- 1 semester
- Placering
- Forår
- Skemagruppe
- Se skemalink herunder
- Studienævnet for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier
Udbydende institut
- Institut for Tværkulturelle og regionale studier
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Barbara Wall (12-6a697a6a697a69367f69747448707d7536737d366c73)
Margaret Mehl, mehl@hum.ku.dk
Bo Ærenlund Sørensen, pzm221@hum.ku.dk>
Ravinder Kaur, rkaur@hum.ku.dk
Barbara Wall barbara.wall@hum.ku.dk