ASTK18360U Politiske partier: Repræsentation, deltagelse og magt

Årgang 2020/2021
Engelsk titel

Political parties: Representation, participation and power


Bachelor: 7,5 ECTS

Kandidat: 7,5 ECTS


1. Centrale begreber og teorier: repræsentation, demokrati, partityper, parti-internt demokrati, partiregulering.

2. Partiernes organisering af deres centrale opgaver: stemmestrukturering, valgkampagner og politiske programmer; rekruttering og træning af politiske kandidater og ledere; kanal for politisk deltagelse

3. Partiernes ressourcer: Partimedlemskab og andre tilhængere, partifinansiering og partistøtteregler, ansatte og partiorganisationernes professionalisering.

4. Personalisering af politiske partier, græsrodspartier og andre nye tendenser i partiernes – og dermed det repræsentative demokratis – organisering

5. Forsknings-/analyse-processer: ideer, problemstillinger, teorivalg, operationalisering, dataindsamling (nye/eksisterende), analyse, diskussion, akademisk skriftlig fremstilling, akademisk mundtlig præsentation og populærvidenskabelig formidling.



Centrale begreber og teorier såsom repræsentation, demokrati, partityper, parti-inernt demokrati, partireguleing, partiernes organisering af deres centrale opgaver: stemmestrukturering, valgkampagner og politiske programmer; rekruttering og træning af politiske kandidater og ledere; kanal for politisk deltagelse; partiernes ressourcer: Partimedlemskab og andre tilhængere, partifinansiering og partistøtteregler, ansatte og partiorganisationernes professionalisering; personalisering af politiske partier, græsrodspartier og andre nye tendenser i partiernes – og dermed det repræsentative demokratis – organisering.


  • Analysere organisationer med de ovenfor nævnte teorier, begreber og modeller.
  • Selvstændig dataindsamling.
  • Forskningsprocessen fra ide til formidling.



  • Forstå, forklare og forbedre partiernes organisering og rolle i det repræsentative demokrati.
  • Handle på vegne af andre aktører/institutioner i forhold til politiske partier.
  • Forskningsprocessen fra ide til formidling.

1100 sider:

Achury, S., Scarrow, S.E., Kosiara-Pedersen, K. and Haute E.v. (2018). The Consequences of Membership Incentives: Do Greater Political Benefits Attract Different Kinds of Members? Party Politics. https:/​/​​10.1177/​1354068818754603. Online first.

Allern, E. H. and Kosiara-Pedersen. K. (2007). The Impact of Party Organisational Changes on Democracy. West European Politics 30(1): 68-92.

Balmas, M., Rahat, G., Sheafer T. and S. R. Shenhav. (2014). Two routes to personalized politics: Centralized and decentralized personalization. Party Politics 20(1): 37-51.

Bennett, L. (2012). The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media and Changing Patterns of Political Participation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 644(1), pp. 20-39.

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Caul, M. (1999). Women’s Representation in Parliament: The Role of Political Parties. Party Politics 48(1): 72-90.

Chadwick, A. (2007). Digital Network Repertoires and Organizational Hybridity. Political Communication 24(3): 283-301.

Cross, W. and A. Blais. (2012a). Politics at the Centre: The Selection and Removal of Party Leaders in the Anglo Parliamentary Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cross, W. and A. Blais. (2012b). Who Selects the Party Leader? Party Politics 18(2): 127-50.

Cross, W. and R. Katz. (2013). The Challenges of Intra-Party Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cross, W,  R. Katz and S. Pruysers, The Personalization of Democratic Politics and the Challenge for Political Parties. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Cross, W., O. Kenig, S. Pruysers and G. Rahat. (2016). The Promise and Challenge of Party Primary Elections.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Dalton, R. and S. Weldon. (2005). Public Images of Political Parties: A Necessary Evil? Party Politics 28(5): 931–51.

Demker, M., Heidar, K.  and Kosiara-Pedersen, K. (2019). Nordic Party Members: Linkages in Troubled Times. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.

Draege, J., D. Chironi and D. della Porta. 2017. Social Movements within Organisations: Occupy Parties in Italy and Turkey. South European Society and Politics 22(2): 139-156.

Faucher, F. (2015). Leadership Elections: What is at Stake for Parties? A Comparison of the British Labour Party and the Parti Socialiste. Parliamentary Affairs 68(4): 794-820.

Fraussen, B. and D. Halpin. (2018) Political Parties and Interest Organizations and the Crossroads: Perspectives on the Transformation of Political Organizations. Political Studies Review 16(1): 25-37.

Gauja, A. (2015). The Construction of Party Membership. European Journal of Political Research 54(2): 232-48.

Gerbaudo, P. (2019). The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy. London: Pluto Press.

Gibson, R., F. Greffet and M. Cantijoch. (2017). Friend or Foe? Digital Technologies and the Changing Nature of Party Membership. Political Communication 34(1): 89-111.

Harmel, R. and K. Janda. (1994). An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change. Journal of Theoretical Politics 6(3): 259-87.

Heidar, K. (1994). The polymorphic nature of party membership. European Journal of Political Research 25(1): 61–86.

Heidar, K. and Kosiara–Pedersen, K. (2006). Party feminism: gender gaps within Nordic political parties. Scandinavian Political Studies 29(3): 192-218.

Heidar, K. and B. Wauters. (2019). Do Political Parties Still Represent? An Analysis of the Representativeness of Political Parties in Western Democracies. London: Routledge.

Heinisch, R. and O. Mazzoleni. (2016). Comparing Populist Organizations. In: R. Heinisch and O. Mazzoleni. Understanding Populist Party Organisation: The Radical Right in Western Europe. London: Palgrave, pp. 221-246.

Karvonen, L. (2010). The personalisation of politics: A study of parliamentary democracies. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Katz, R. S. and Mair, P. (1992). Party Organizations - A Data Handbook. London: Sage.

Katz, R. S. and Mair, P. (1994). How Parties Organize. London: Sage.

Katz, R. S. and Mair, P. (1995). Changing Models of Party Organizations and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party. Party Politics 1(1): 5-28.

Katz, R. S. and P. Mair. (2018). Democracy and the Cartelization of Political Parties. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kenig, O. (2009). Democratization of Party Leadership Selection: Do Wider Selectorates Produce More Competitive Contests?  Electoral Studies 28(2): 240-7.

Kenig, O., W. Cross, S. Pruysers and G. Rahat. (2015). Party Primaries: Towards a Definition and a Typology. Representation 51(2): 147-160.

Kitschelt, H. (2006). Movement Parties. In R. Katz and W. Crotty, eds, Handbook of Party Politics. London: Sage, pp. 278-290.

Kosiara-Pedersen, K. (2017). Demokratiets ildsjæle. Partimedlemmer i Danmark. København: DJØF forlag.

Koss, M. (2010). The Politics of Party Funding: State Funding to Political Parties and Party Competition in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kriesi, H. (2011). Personalization of national election campaigns. Party Politics 18(6): 825-844.

Lobo, M. C. and Razzuoli, I. (2017). The impact of parties’ financial dependence on citizens’ perception of party responsiveness. In: S. Scarrow, P. Webb and T. Poguntke. Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 187-207.

Mazzoleni, O. and Voerman, G. (2016) Memberless parties: Beyond the business-firm party model?. Party Politics. Online First.

Pedersen, M. N. (1989). En kortfattet oversigt over det danske partisystems udvikling. Politica 21, pp. 265-278.

Pedersen, K. and Saglie, J. (2005). New technology in ageing parties: Internet use in Danish and Norwegian parties. Party Politics 11(3): 359-377.

Pierre, J., Svåsand, L. and Widfeldt, A. (2000). State Subsidies to Political Parties: Confronting Rhetoric with Reality. West European Politics 23(3): 1-24.

Pilet, J.B. and W. Cross. 2016. Uncovering the Politics of Party Leadership: A Cross-National Perspective. In J.B. Pilet and W. Cross, eds, The Politics of Party Leadership: A Cross-National Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-11.

Pilet, J.B. and W. Cross. (2014). The Selection of Political Party Leaders in Contemporary Parliamentary Democracies: A Comparative Study. London: Routledge.

Poguntke, T. and P. Webb. (2005). The Presidentialization of Politics: A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Poguntke, T. S. E. Scarrow, P. D. Webb, E. H. Allern, N. Aylott, I. van Biezen, E. Calossi, M. Costa Lobo, W. P. Cross, K. Deschouwer, Z. Enyedi, E. Fabre, D. Farrell, A. Gauja, E. Pizzimenti, P. Kopecký, R. Koole, W. Müller, K. Kosiara-Pedersen, G. Rahat, A. Szczerbiak, E. van Haute, T. Verge (2016) ‘Party Rules, Party Resources and the Politics of Parliamentary Democracies: How Parties Organize in the 21st Century’, Party Politics 22(6): 661-678.

Pruysers et al. 2017

Rahat, G. and O. Kenig. (2018). From Party Politics to Personalized Politics? Party Change and Political Personalization in Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scarrow, S. (2015). Beyond Party Members: Changing Approaches to Partisan Mobilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scarrow, S, P. Webb and T. Poguntke. (2017). Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schumacher, G. and N. Giger. (2017). Who Leads the Party? On Membership Size, Selectorates and Party Oligarchy. Political Studies 65(1): 162-181.

van Biezen, I. (2008). State Intervention in Party Politics: The Public Funding and Regulation of Political Parties. European Review 16(3): 337–353.

van Biezen, I., P. Mair and T. Poguntke. (2012). Going, going…gone? The decline of party membership in contemporary Europe. European Journal of Political Research 51(1): 24-56.

van Biezen, I. and Poguntke, T. (2014). The Decline of Membership Based Politics. Party Politics: 20(2): 205-216.

Van Haute, E. and Gauja, A. (2015). Party Members and Activists. London: Routledge.

Whiteley, P. (2011). Is the Party Over? The Decline of Party Activism and Membership Across the Democratic World. Party Politics 17(1): 21–44.

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