ASTK18277U "Os og dem?” – Indvandrings- og integrationspolitik i Vesteuropa

Årgang 2021/2022
Engelsk titel

”Us and them?” – immigration and integration policy in Western Europe


Bachelor: 7,5 ECTS

Kandidat: 7,5 ECTS


Indvandrings og integrationsdebatten har fyldt meget i Dansk og Europæisk politik gennem de sidst 25 år. Dette fag vil med udgangspunkt i den europæiske kontekst analysere de immigrations- og integrationspolitiske diskussioner og værktøjer der bruges til at ”manage migration” og hvilken betydning immigration har haft politisk og samfundsmæssigt. I faget vil de studerende stifte bekendtskab med teorier vedrørende nationalisme, immigration og integration – og hvordan disse kommer til udtryk og spiller sammen i den offentlige debat og politik på indvandrerområdet. 


Der trækkes på forskellige politologiske teorier i forhold til partiernes, vælgernes og andre interessegruppers opførsel og handlinger.

  1. 1. Indledning: Immigration til Europa: Anden verdenskrig til i dag 
  2. 2. Grænser – tab af kontrol?
  4. 3. Immigration og økonomi
  5. 4. Eksternaliseringen og sekuritarisering af de Europæiske grænser
  6. 5. Vælgerne, den offentlige mening og medierne
  7. 6. Partipolitik – Immigration på højre og venstrefløjen
  8. 7. Interessegrupper, institutioner og stiafhængighed
  9. 8. Statsborgerskab og integration
  10. 9. Nationalisme og assimilation
  11. 10. Case studie 1: Danmark
  12. 11. Case studie 2: Tyskland
  13. 12. Case studie 3: Frankrig
  14. 13. Case studie 4: UK
  15. 14. Afslutning og afrunding.


  • Viden om konkrete indvandrings- og integrationspolitiske problemstillinger i forskellige Europæiske lande
  • Præsentere centrale teoretiske retninger indenfor nationalisme, immigration og integrationspolitik



  • Anvende teorierne på konkrete cases
  • Sammenligne og analysere hovedretninger og forskellige politiske værktøjer der bruges i indvandrings- og integrationspolitik   



  • Kombinere og syntetisere bidrag til den akademiske debat om forholdet mellem nationalisme, integration og indvandring
  • Vurdere gyldigheden af de forskellige teoretikeres argumenter
  • Abrams D, Travaglino GA. Immigration, political trust, and Brexit - Testing an aversion amplification hypothesis. Br J Soc Psychol. 2018;57(2):310-326. doi:10.1111/bjso.12233
  • Alba, R. and Foner, N. (2014), Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the Grand Narratives Tell Us?. Int Migr Rev, 48: S263–S291. doi:10.1111/imre.12134
  • Alba, R., & Nee, V. (2014). "3. Assimilation" In An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. doi:  https:/​/​​10.1515/​9789048523153-004
  • Anderson, B Imagined Communities, 2nd edn, Verso Books, 2006; Introduktion s. 1-9 og kapitel 8: patriotism and racism s. 145-158
  • Andrea Bohman & Mikael Hjerm (2016) In the wake of radical right electoral success: a cross-country comparative study of anti-immigration attitudes over time, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:11, 1729-1747, DOI:  10.1080/​1369183X.2015.1131607
  • Arzheimer, K., & Berning, C. C. (2019). How the alternative for Germany (AfD) and their voters veered to the radical right, 2013–2017. Electoral Studies, 60. https:/​/​​10.1016/​j.electstud.2019.04.004
  • Bakkær Simonsen, Kristina, How the host nation's boundary drawing affects immigrants’ belonging. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Vol. 42 , Iss. 7,2016
  • Bale, T. et al “If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them? Explaining Social Democratic Responses to the Challenge from the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe” Political Studies, 58, 2010. Volume 58, Issue 3, pages 410–426, June 2010
  • Billig, M. (2010). Introduction. In Banal nationalism (pp. 1-12). London: SAGE Publications Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781446221648.n1
  • Bonikowski B. (2017) Nationhood as Cultural Repertoire: Collective Identities and Political Attitudes in France and Germany. In: Skey M., Antonsich M. (eds) Everyday Nationhood. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https:/​/​​10.1057/​978-1-137-57098-7_8
  • Boswell, C. and D. Hough (2008): ‘Politicising Migration: Opportunity or Liability for the Centre-Right in Germany?’, Journal of European Public Policy, 15 (3): 331-348
  • Brochmann, G. and Hagelund, A., 2011. Migrants in the Scandinavian Welfare State: The emergence of a social policy problem. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 1(1), pp.13–24. DOI: http:/​/​​10.2478/​v10202-011-0003-3
  • Castles, Stephen, and Miller, Mark J., The Age of Migration, 6th edition, 2020. Kapitel 10 og 11 – s
  • Cecilia Menjívar Immigration Law Beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Border Controls in an Era of Securitization Annual Review of Law and Social Science 2014 10:1, 353-369
  • Chris Gilligan (2015) The Public and the Politics of Immigration Controls, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41:9, 1373-1390, DOI:  10.1080/​1369183X.2015.1021584
  • Consterdine, E., Hampshire, J. Immigration policy under New Labour: Exploring a critical juncture. Br Polit 9, 275–296 (2014). https:/​/​​10.1057/​bp.2013.19
  • Contrepois, S. (2017). "France: The assimilationist model called into question". In Trade Unions and Migrant Workers. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: https:/​/​​10.4337/​9781788114080.00017
  • Czaika, Mathias and Hein de Haas (2013) The effectiveness of immigration policies. Population and Development Review, 39(3) 48
  • Foged, Mette, and Giovanni Peri. 2016. "Immigrants' Effect on Native Workers: New Analysis on Longitudinal Data." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8 (2): 1-34.
  • Freeman, Gary P., ‘Modes of immigration politics in liberal democratic states’, International Migration Review 29:4, 1995, 881-913.
  • Geddes, Andrew and Scholten, Peter, The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, 2016 – Kapitel 4 om Tyskland
  • Geddes, Andrew and Scholten, Peter, The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, 2016 – Kapitel 3 om Frankrig 
  • Geddes, Andrew and Scholten, Peter, The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, 2016 - Kapitel 2 om Storbritannien
  • Goldin et al. 2013 Exceptional people: How migration shaped our world and will define our future Kapitel 3: "Managed" Migration in the Twentieth Century side: 69-95
  • Green-Pedersen, Christoffer; Going different ways? Right-wing parties and the immigrants issues in Denmark and Sweden. / , Pontus. In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2008, p. 366-381
  • Guiraudon, V. the 2015 refugee crisis was not a turning point: explaining policy inertia in EU border control. Eur Polit Sci 17, 151–160 (2018) https:/​/​​10.1057/​s41304-017-0123-x
  • Guiraudon, Virginie, and Lahav, Gallya, ‘A Reappraisal of the State-Sovereignty Debate: The Case of Migration Control’, Comparative Political Studies 33:2 (2000), 163-95
  • Hansen, Randall, ‘Globalization, Embedded Realism, and Path Dependence’, Comparative Political Studies 35 (2002), 259-283
  • Hedegaard, T. F., & Larsen, C. A. (2019). Oplevet jobkonkurrence og arbejdskraftsindvandringen. In M. Frederiksen (Ed.), Usikker modernitet: Danskernes værdier fra 1981 til 2017 (pp. 59-80). Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • HELBLING, M. and LEBLANG, D. (2019), Controlling immigration? How regulations affect migration flows. European Journal of Political Research, 58: 248-269. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12279
  • Iversflaten, Elisabeth, ‘Threatened By Diversity: Why Restrictive Asylum and Immigration Policies Appeal to 
  • Western Europeans’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 15:1 (2005), 21-45
  • Jens Hainmueller and Daniel J. Hopkins
  • Joppke, Christian, ‘Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration’, World Politics 50:1 (1998), 266-293
  • K Jensen, K. (2019). Theorizing national models of integration: An ideational perspective. Ethnicities, 19(4), 614–631. https:/​/​​10.1177/​1468796819843535
  • Karen Bird (2005) The Political Representation of Visible Minorities in Electoral Democracies: A Comparison of France, Denmark, and Canada, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 11:4, 425-465, DOI: 10.1080/​13537110500379211
  • Kristian Kriegbaum Jensen, Christian Fernández & Grete Brochmann (2017) Nationhood and Scandinavian naturalization politics: varieties of the civic turn, Citizenship Studies, 21:5, 606-624, DOI:  10.1080/​13621025.2017.1330399
  • Kymlicka, Will, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, 1995. Kapitel 3 ‘Individual Rights and Collective Rights’ s. 34-48  og kapitel 8 ‘toleration and its limits’. S. 152-171 – online adgang 
  • Lassen, H. (2017). En supertanker ændrer kurs: En analyse af beskæftigelsen blandt personer med en ikke-vestlig baggrund på det danske arbejdsmarked fra 1996 til 2016 . Aalborg Universitet. Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet. Ph.D.-Serien  https:/​/​​10.5278/​ - kapitel 14: side 432-451
  • Lavenex, Sandra(2006) 'Shifting up and out: The foreign policy of European immigration control', West European Politics, 29: 2, 329 — 350
  • Mass migration to Europe: demographic salvation, essential labor, or unwanted foreigners? Experience in Messina, Anthony, and Lahav, Gallya (eds), The Migration Reader: Exploring Politics and Policies, 2006 s. 348-372
  • Mudde, Cas. (2013), Three decades of populist radical right parties in Western Europe: So what?. European Journal of Political Research, 52: 1–19. doi:10.1111/​j.1475-6765.2012.02065
  • Muis, J., & Immerzeel, T. (2017). Causes and consequences of the rise of populist radical right parties and movements in Europe. Current Sociology, 65(6), 909–930. https:/​/​​10.1177/​0011392117717294

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