APSB16101U Social Psychology Theory and Methods

Volume 2024/2025

Social psychology concerns the connection between the individual and their social world, and therefore explores all ways in which individuals function socially. The subject area covers psychologically-oriented approaches that focus on individual thought, feelings and actions and how these guide their relationships with others and participation in groups and society, as well as societally-oriented approaches that examine the structures of social relations, prevailing social and cultural values and discourses, and the processes of individualisation that follow from this. Through this course, a wide range of core topics are introduced, including how psychological functioning is socially embedded; the influence of social and societal structures on the behaviour of individuals, groups and institutions; the importance of attitudes and norms for social action; individualisation and identity development; social integration and participation in social institutions and groups. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to classic and contemporary theories and empirical research in social psychology, as well as to the historical-embeddedness and development of  the subject area’s themes. Various methodological traditions are also introduced, along with their capabilities and limitations.

Learning Outcome


  • Account for selected social psychological concepts, theories and empirical data.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental, both newer and classical, theories and empirical research within social psychology.
  • Account for their historical embedding, contemporary debates, and overall contribution of areas of theory/ research to the subject area’s themes.



  • Analyse central similarities and differences between reviewed terminology, theory and empirical data in relation to specific social psychological themes and problematics.



  • Understand methods used in social psychology.
  • Analyse the possibilities and limitations of different methods in relation to specific theoretical or social problems.
  • Assess and critically reflect on one’s own empirical work in light of methodological and ethical principles.

Syllabus cf. curriculum: 1600 standard pages of compulsory literature

A current syllabus list and lecture plan will be available in the course room on Absalon immediately before the start of the semester.

Previous syllabus lists can be found here: Absalon

The classes consist of lectures (theory, methodology and empirical studies) and seminar classes (theory)
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Class Instruction
  • 42
  • Total
  • 98
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Written assignment, 72 hours
Type of assessment details
FORM OF EXAM: Final compulsory written 72-hour take-home assignment.
GROUP REGULATIONS: The written take-home assignment can only be taken individually.
EXTENT: The extent of the written take-home assignment is a maximum of ten standard pages.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period




Criteria for exam assesment

See Leaning Outcome