NNDK15003U Project on Didactics of Mathematics

Volume 2016/2017

MSc Programme in Mathematics


This unit is a project outside course scope, specially designed for students in the NORDIMA programme. The purpose is for the student to gain insight into empirical methods related to the theories learned in the course “Advanced didactics of mathematics” (DidMatV) through an empirical project on an individually chosen mathematical topic, based on one of the following research frameworks:

  • The theory of didactical situations in mathematics
  • The anthropological theory of the didactic
  • Semiotic registers in mathematics
  • Instrumental and documentational genesis
Learning Outcome

Learning Outcome. The student is able to design and carry out a small empirical investigation of mathematics teaching and learning related to the self-chosen topic.

Knowledge. The student becomes familiar with a collection of research literature related to the self-chosen topic, and with empirical methods related to investigations of this topic, for instance through observation of teaching on this topic or diagnostic tests of student knowledge on the topic. 

Skills. The student acquire basic data collection skills as well as skills related to formulating and carrying out a small-size empirical investigation of teaching and/or learning of a specific topic in mathematics. Moreover, the student acquire deeper skills of literature search and report writing in didactics of mathematics.

Competences. At the end of the course, the student should be able to

  • Formulate empirical research question related to the teaching or learning of a specific mathematical topic, based on one of the research frameworks mentioned above
  • Identify literature relevant to the research question, and relate the question to that literature
  • Design and carry out an empirical investigation of the question, choosing appropriate methods aligned with the research question and state-of-the art in the area
  • Analyse and present the results with professional methods from the didactics of mathematics

Literature: identified by the student, with support from the supervisior; typically papers from major reseach journals.

Formal requirements: Completed the course “Advanced Didactics in Mathematics” (DidMatV).
Academic qualifications: Completed the first semester of the MSc-programme in mathematics, as described in the option “Nordic Double Degree in Didactics of Mathematics (1st year at UCPH) “.
Writing a projekt under supervision
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Guidance
  • 10
  • Project work
  • 196
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment
The final exam constists of an individual written final paper of 20 pages in the CERME template ( http:/​/​files.cerme9.org/​200000060-dafa9dbf3b/​CERME9_template.doc).
Exam registration requirements

Project contract signed by the student and the supervisor.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship

Rexaminations follow the same rules as the ordinary exam. If the students have failed to qualify for the exam, any missing tasks must be submitted to the course leader. Students need to hand in the written task to qualify for the exam by contacting the course leader prior to any reexamination.
For reexaminations, the final paper is assigned three weeks prior to reexamination.

Criteria for exam assesment

The grade is given for the extent to which the student in his final paper has demonstrated to have achieved the course aims (cf. above).