HDAK00266U DAN; Burn, Rape and Pillage. Then Settele, Mary and Assimilate- Scandinavians and Scandinavia in Viking Age Britan

Årgang 2016/2017
Engelsk titel

DAN; Burn, Rape and Pillage. Then Settele, Mary and Assimilate- Scandinavians and Scandinavia in Viking Age Britan


The course will examine the impact of the Viking Age on the British Isles and detemine to which extent the incoming Scandinavians have left an impact on contemporary and modern British society. This will be done by making use of the latest historical, linguistic and geospatial recources available.The Viking Age affected all nations of the British Isles - England, Wales, Scotland, Orkney and Ireland - but in different ways and with different historical outcomes; the course will highlight the differences between the Scandinavian impact in the various parts of the British Isles. Focus will be on the influence of England, Scotland and Orkney, owing to the source situation and dimensions of the impact. Within these regions, the linguistic and onomatic evidence of Scandinavian presence and settlement will be thouroughly presented, analysed and discussed in comparison to other available sources - such as archaeology and chronickes - and placed within recent theories, studies and discussions in historical geography. 

  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Eksamensforberedelse
  • 160,5
  • Holdundervisning
  • 42
  • Undervisningsforberedelse
  • 210
  • I alt
  • 412,5
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