SFOK15011U Perinatal and early life epidemiology

Volume 2015/2016

Full Degree Master


This course is a survey of major topics in reproductive, perinatal and early life epidemiology from fertility to outcomes of birth and health during the first years of life. The course focuses on methodological issues in studying reproductive and perinatal outcomes using epidemiologic study designs, while incorporating life course and global health perspectives. The course also critically reviews the literature on major reproductive, perinatal and early life health outcomes, and engages in current debates in the literature.

Learning Outcome

After completion of the course, the students are expected to:

Have knowledge about the most frequent and most serious deviances from normal reproduktion and early life.


Read and appraise scientific literature regarding reproductive and early life health

Communicate and present study findings to professional audiences

Identify the most serious public health threats to healthy reproduction and infancy.

Design, implement and assess data collection systems for public health research

Appropriately interpret epidemiologic data within reproductive/early life epidemiology

Write a proposal for a research project within the area of reproductive/early life epidemiology

Wilcox A. Fertility and Pregnancy. Oxford University Press, 2010

2-3 scientific papers for each teaching session.

MSc students should have passed the course in advanced epidemiology
BA in Public Health Science or PhD student within public Health or clinical medicine
Lectures mixed with problem-based learning in small groups.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 30
  • Exam
  • 137
  • Preparation
  • 108
  • Total
  • 275
Type of assessment
Written assignment
The students is expected to develop a research project proposal within the area of perinatal/early life epidemiology during the course. The project proposal should be handed in few weeks after the teaching has come to an end.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Exam period

See the exam plan http://sund.ku.dk/uddannelse/vejledning-information/eksamensplaner/folkesundhedsvidenskab/


See the exam plan http://sund.ku.dk/uddannelse/vejledning-information/eksamensplaner/folkesundhedsvidenskab/

Criteria for exam assesment

The assignment is expected to fulfil the formal requirements for a research project proposal.

The student have to demonstrate the ability to make a coherent justification for and description of a scientific problem within perinatal/early life epidemiology. Furthermore to describe the detailed design of an epidemiologic project that addresses this scientific problem, using sound epidemiologic methodology. The student has to describe a feasible study plan, including a realistic time frame.