HMØK03572U Communicatvie competence

Volume 2015/2016


Curriculum for Master´s Programme in

Middle Eastern Languages and Societies

The 2008 Curriculum


Temaet for kurset i foråret 2016 vil være de sidste 60 års flygtningestrømme fra den arabiske del af Mellemøsten: Palæstina, Libanon, Irak og Syrien.

Sprogfærdigheden trænes vha. intensiv tekstlæsning med efterfølgende kommunikativ behandling, individuelt og i holdundervisningen. Teksterne vil være både litterære og sagprosa tekster, ligesom der vil være udstrakt brug af AV tekster.

En særlig del af kurset vil være forbeholdt det egenproducerede obligatoriske interview, der vil ligge inden for rammerne af kursusdelen ’Interviewing techniques and film for fieldwork’.

This part of the communicative skills course will introduce the students to various interviewing techniques and give the students the opportunity to learn how to apply audiovisual methods in order to produce their own short film story project working in teams. During this part, the students will actively work in collecting stories and conducting interviews with refugees in Denmark. They will get a feel for the practical film production process from shooting to editing and an insight into the discipline of Visual Anthropology illustrated with ethnographic films for the Middle-East region. The student films will be integrated into the Absalon e-learning environment as embedded videos to be discussed in an on-line student forum. The final session will conclude with a general exhibition of the student’s final work as part of their assignment.


Learning Outcome

Master’s programme 2008

Kommunikativ arabisk færdighed (fagelementkode HMØK03571E)

Learningmaterial will be made accessible in the Communicative competence in Arabic-learning room on Absalon

Class instruction with focused training in communicative skills as well as written assignments in Arabic
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Preparation
  • 384,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment