HKGA00351U KL. GR. Græsk poesi

Årgang 2015/2016
Engelsk titel

Greek poetry


Klassisk Græsk



Der læses Iliadens  2. sang vers 1 – 494 og 3. sang samt Hesiods Værker og dage(Erga kai hemerai). Hvis tiden tillader det, læses derefter kortere uddrag af Odysseen eller De homeriske hymner: Filologisk læsning og litterær fortolkning. I den forbindelse tages sproglige, stilistiske, herunder metriske, samt historiske og litteraturhistoriske spørgsmål op.


This part of the course, which is divided into three sections, focuses on a reading of Euripides’ Bacchae, introduced by an overview on Dionysiac elements (themes, stylistic and performative features) in Greek choral lyric poetry and tragedy. In the first section a selection from archaic and classical literary dithyramb (fragments and ancient testimonies on the genre) will be read and presented: Archilochus fr. 120 W2; Pindar fr. 70b S-M; Bacchylides 18 M = Dithyramb 4, 19 M = Dithyramb 5; PMG 939; Plato Republic 394b-c; Plato Laws 700b-e; Aristotle Politics 1342a32-b12; Aristotle Poetics 1449a9-11. In the second section we will deal with the so-called ‘new dithyramb’ of late fifth-century BC and we will see how the genre is embedded in late Euripidean tragedy. We will read passages from Timotheus’ Persae = PMG 791 and Euripides Helen 1301-1367; 1451-1510. In the third part we will examine some of the ways through which Dionysus is embedded into tragedy through the ritual dancing of the chorus (we will read in particular Sophocles Trachiniae 205-224 and Euripides Heracles 676-700), and then we will focus on the reading of Euripides’ Bacchae. We will read in class ll. 1-431; 519-603; 660-774; 862-976.

The reading of texts will address mainly linguistic, philological and stylistic aspects. Each text will be contextualized in regards to Greek literary history, performance context, relations to previous and coeval poetic tradition.

We will use the following editions of the texts: for Archilochus, West (Iambi et elegi graeci ante Alexandrum cantata, 2nd edition 1992); for Pindar’ Dithyrambs, Maehler (Teubner, 1989); for Bacchylides’ Dithyrambs, Maehler (Bacchylides. A selection. Cambridge 2004); for Sophocles, Lloyd-Jones and Wilson (OCT); for Euripides, Diggle (Diggle).


Som tekstgrundlag bør der anvendes en udgave med tekstkritisk apparat, f.eks. i serien Oxford Classical Texts (Iliaden ved Monro and Allen; Hesiods digte ved F. Solmsen). Overkommelige kommentarer til Iliaden er: M.M. Willcock: A Commentary on Homer’s Iliad.Books I – VI. London and Basingstoke 1970 og senere udgaver samt Leaf and Bayfield: The Iliad of Homer. Books I – XII. London and New York 1962 (1. udg. 1895); til Hesiod: T.A. Sinclair: Hesiod.Works and Days. Hildesheim !966 (1. udg. 1932).

En fyldigere litteraturliste vil foreligge ved semesterstart. 

Studerende, som vil forberede sig forud for semesteret, kan have glæde af at læse så meget som muligt af Iliaden og Odysseen i Chr. Wilsters eller Otto Steen Dues oversættelse samt orientere sig i litteraturhistorie og digtenes baggrund, f.eks. i The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. I: Greek Literature. Cambridge University Press 1985 og Lene Andersen (red.): Homerstudier. København 1989.
Ovennævnte bøger findes på institutbiblioteket.


H. Maehler, Bacchylides. A Selection, Cambridge 2004 (the online version of this book is available through REX); C. Calame, ‘The Dithyramb, a Dionysiac poetic form’, in B. Kowalzig & P. Wilson (eds.), Dithyramb in Context, Oxford 2013: 332-352 (a copy of this chapter will be scanned and uploaded on Absalon); A. Henrichs, ‘Why should I dance? Choral self-referentiality in Greek tragedy’, Arion 3 (1994/1995) 56-111; A. Henrichs, ‘Dancing in Athens, dancing on Delos. Some patterns of choral projection in Euripides’, Philologus 140 (1996) 48-62; C. Segal, Dionysiac poetics and Euripides’ Bacchae, Princeton 1982. Further material will be distributed as handout at each class.  

Recommended reading (in English translation) before the beginning of the course: Bacchylides 18 and 19 (Loeb edition with Greek text and English translation: Greek Lyric. Vol. IV. Bacchylides, Corinna and others, edited and translated by D.A. Campbell, 1992), Pindar’s Dithyramb (Loeb edition, Pindar II, edited and translated by H. Race, 1997), Euripides’ Bacchae (Loeb edition, Euripides. Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus, edited and translated by D. Kovacs, 2003).

Tekstlæsning og samtale, lejlighedsvis suppleret med forelæsning.
The focus will be on reading texts in a dialogued and interactive way. The lecturer will provide introductory explanation and contextualization of each text. Student are invited to read the planned text at home beforehand, and to actively participate in the reading. Støttespor:
Giovanni Fanfani will do his part of the course in English.
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