HENK04013U English - Free topic 1: Foreign Language Acquisition: Focus on Form (exam form A,B,C)

Volume 2015/2016

This course in foreign language acquisition aims is to give participants a theoretical background for
evaluating various aspects of the teaching of English as a foreign language. We therefore need to address current theories of foreign language learning and of communicative competence and the processes underlying the use of the foreign language in relation to production as well as reception. However, the course will mainly focus on recent research addressing what it takes to get learners to improve their language proficiency i.e. to get them to focus on form. Recent studies of incidental focus on form in written and oral production will be presented and discussed. Furthermore, analysis and evaluation of learner data will be used for illustration of the theoretical concepts and research methods will be addressed throughout the course. For some participants the course might provide inspiration for research projects in relation to their MA-theses. The course will be conducted using a mixture of lectures, group work and discussions. Readings will mainly consist of a number of research articles on the course topics, selected from scholarly journals. For advice on readings prior to the course, contact Dorte Albrechtsen doralbr@hum.ku.dk

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 42
  • Preparation
  • 162,75
  • Total
  • 204,75
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment