ASOA15017U Globalization and its Discontent

Volume 2015/2016

BA/MA Elective course
Specialiseringslinje: Politisk Sociologi
Course package (MSc Curriculum 2015): Knowledge, organisation and politics


The term “Globalisation” refers to a process of cultural, political, and economic integration resulting from rapid changes in technology and world politics. There is no doubt that we live in a world that is increasingly global, international and even transnational and globalisation is one of the defining features of the contemporary world. But there is considerable controversy regarding its nature, impact, and future trends. This interdisciplinary (combining perspectives from Sociology, political science, economics, and political philosophy) course introduces students to the emerging field of global studies. We will explore how the process of globalisation is shaping and transforming economic, culture and politics around the world. The course is divided into three sections. In the first half of the course, we explore the current conceptual debates concerning the intensification of global interaction, the historical processes associated with the emergence of a global economy, and the acceleration of globalisation processes in its political, economic, cultural and social forms. In the second half of the course, we build fundamental knowledge about the key actors, institutions, and processes that shape globalisation and the international political economy. The aim of this part is to examine the agents, modes of organisation and institutions that govern the new transnational space of globalisation. In the final section, we explore the many promises of globalisation as well as the sources of the anti-globalisation backlash (global civil society, anti-globalisation movements and terrorist networks). We conclude by exploring the implications of globalisation for the nation-state and international order.

Learning Outcome

This course explores the global nature of contemporary social change. It takes globalisation as the master trend reshaping social life everywhere. It deals thematically with the main issues in the debate about the meaning, extent, and consequences of globalisation. It uses a multidisciplinary approach, and covers the political, economic, historical and cultural aspects of globalisation. The interdisciplinary readings emphasise the political-economic, cultural, institutional, and technological, implications of globalisation and allow students to evaluate whether these processes pose opportunities or challenges to individuals, societies, and the global community. This course cannot hope to cover all aspects of globalisation adequately, and therefore the content is of necessity selective. Yet (without being narrow) it will provide an intellectually stimulating course which will prepare students for a critical engagement with contemporary debates on globalisation

Upon successful completion of the course students will:

• Acquire an understanding of key concepts of globalisation and the dominant theoretical interpretations.

• Be able to identify the sources of major political transformations in the contemporary world 

• Be able to interpret and evaluate the political, economic and social consequences of the processes associated with globalisation

• Have wide-ranging familiarity with the ways in which globalisation is experienced, managed and resisted by actors within (and across) different levels of analysis – global, regional, national and local.

• Have developed key analytical, interpretative, and written and oral presentational skills.

The syllabus consists of about 800 standard pages of relevant scientific literature for 10 ECTS and 600 pages for 7.5 ECTS

Indicative readings

George Ritzer, Paul Dean (2015) Globalization: A Basic Text, 2nd Edition

A detailed reading guide will provided at

This contains all the essential materials for the course, including the online syllabus, supplementary bibliography, online linked resources, course calendar, power-point slides, announcements, and other materials

The format of the course is primarily lectures and structured discussion.
Dette kursus har adgangsbegrænsninger. Kurset vil som udgangspunkt ikke blive udbudt igen. Du kan således ikke planlægge efter, at det udbydes i senere semestre, end hvad der fremgår af denne kursusbeskrivelse.

The number of lecture hours are the same for both 7,5 and 10 ECTS courses.

7,5 ECTS:
Lectures: 28
Course preparation:97
Exercises: 70
Exam Preparation: 11

10 ECTS:
Lectures: 28
Course preparation:130
Exercises: 104
Exam Preparation: 13
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Course Preparation
  • 97
  • Exam Preparation
  • 11
  • Exercises
  • 70
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination
Individual or group. If the synopsis is written by more than one student, the oral exam must be a group exam. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet.
Exam registration requirements

Sociology students must be enrolled under MSc Curriculum 2015 to take this exam.

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Internal examiners
Exam period

Submission dates and time will be available at KUnet, Exchange students and danish full degree guest students please see the homepage of Sociology; and

Criteria for exam assesment

Please see the learning outcome.

Type of assessment
Oral examination
Individual or group. If the synopsis is written by more than one student, the oral exam must be a group exam. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet.
Exam registration requirements

Sociology students must be enrolled under MSc Curriculum 2005 or BSc Curriculum to take this exam.

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Internal examiners
Exam period

Submission dates and time will be available at KUnet, Exchange students and danish full degree guest students please see the homepage of Sociology; and

Criteria for exam assesment

Please see the learning outcome.