HJAA00732U History of Education in Japan, 1600-1945

Volume 2014/2015
Udbydes efter BA 2010-studieordning Asienstudier på BA-niveau med specialisering i de centrale fag Indologi, Japanstudier, Kinastudier, Koreastudier, Sydøstasienstudier og Tibetologi og

Studieordning for tilvalgsstudiet på BA-niveau i Japanstudier 2007-ordningen og

Studieordning for kandidatuddannelsen i Asienstudier 2008-ordningen

In this course we will study the history of educational thought and institutions in Early Modern Japan, during the period of rapid modernization from the mid-nineteenth century into the early twentieth century, the New Education movement in the twentieth century and the how the rise of military nationalism affected education from around the middle of the 1930s. There will be a strong focus on reading and analyzing primary sources (in English translation, although there might be supplementary sessions for students writing papers which require the use of Japanese language sources). Students will be expected to work continuously and give presentations in class. The course is aimed at all levels, although BA students in Japanese Studies are expected to have passed the two courses, Introduction to the History and Cultural History of Japan (before and after 1945).

Learning Outcome

BA 2010-ordning:
Realia 1 (fagelementkode HJAB00671E)
Realia 2 (fagelementkode HJAB00731E)
Realia 3 (fagelementkode HJAB00761E)

BA tilvalg 2007-ordning:
Japansk realia A (fagelementkode HJAB10041E)
Japansk realia B (fagelementkode HJAB10071E)

KA 2008-ordning:
Tekstbaseret Emne (fagelementkode HJAK03042E (Japansk))
Emnekursus A (fagelementkode HJAK03051E (Japansk))
Emnekursus B (fagelementkode HJAK03101E (Japanssk))


Please read or re-read before the course starts:

Gordon, Andrew. A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present: Oxford University Press, 2009 (2003).

Kjeldstadli, Knut. 2002 Fortiden er ikke hvad den har været: en indføring i historiefaget, Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitets Forlag.


R.P. Dore, Education in Tokugawa Japan, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1965 (and other editions, reprints).

Byron K. Marshall, Learning to be Modern, Boulder, Westview Press, 1994.

Bestået Introduktion til Japans Historie og Kulturhistorie før og efter 1945
Basal viden om Japans historie
Lecture with discussion, student presentations
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Preparation
  • 384,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment