ASTK12314U Course: The political economy of the European Union - institutions, history and policy

Volume 2014/2015
Bachelorlevel: 10 ECTS
Masterlevel: 7,5 ECTS

SRM - Elective course: 7,5 ECTS

The present-day European Union grew out of an economic project, and political economy has always been central to the progression of European integration. However, as the current crisis shows, this has not always been unproblematic. This module therefore takes a comprehensive approach to the role of political economy in the EU – considering the history of the process, the current policies, and the political debates that have characterised its evolution. It also focuses on the institutions responsible for creating the Union’s policies in times of crisis, to enable students to gain systematic insight into the key actors in the EU’s contemporary political economy.

The course is expected to be structured according to the following headings, although with the possibility of minor adjustments before the start of the course. Equally, there will be scope to alter the institutions studied in the second half of the semester according to participants’ interests.


  1. An economic project: the early days of European economic integration
  2. The road to the Euro


  1. The CAP
  2. Trade and aid policy
  3. Regional development and the structural funds
  4. The single market
  5. The EMS and the Euro

Institutional case studies

  1. The Eurogroup: pre-cooking the crisis
  2. The ECB: OMTs, whatever it takes?
  3. DG ECFIN: one market, one money
  4. The Ecofin council and the SGP abeyance
  5. The European council: negotiating the fiscal compact

Conclusions: theoretical analysis

  1. Where do policies come from? Theories of institutionalism
  2. Politics or economics? Shaping the EU’s policies


Competency descriptions

By the end of the course, students will have a sound knowledge of the various political-economic functions of the European Union, as well as a sense of the history of economic integration and the role various actors have played in it. The course will fit particularly well within a programme featuring other modues on EU politics or political economy. It will equip students with a strong basis for understanding the Euro crisis, and for comprehending more broadly how government institutions mediate between different demands. It would therefore prove useful to students hoping to go into a range of careers, particularly those involving public or quasi-public institutions.  

Learning Outcome

The objective of the seminar is to enable students to…

  1. Demonstrate a strong familiarity with key EU policies, and be able to articulate the economic and political trade-offs that underpin them,
  2. Understand how institutional processes shape the emergence of particular policy outcomes and evidence knowledge of the featured institutions’ competencies,
  3. Evaluate and adjudicate between the main theoretical traditions relating to institutions and policy-making,
  4. Be able to apply this general theoretical and empirical understanding to specific case studies.


This course will be largely based around journal articles and weekly reading. However, some indicative reading that will help students prepare includes:

El-Agraa, A. (ed.), The European Union: Economics and Policies (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge)

Baldwin, R. and Wyplosz, C. (2006) The Economics of European Integration, Second Edition (Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education)

Buonanno, L. and Nugent, N. (2013) Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union (Hampshire: Palgrave)

A background in a relevant social science, particularly political science or economics. Some prior knowledge of European integration would be an advantage.
The course features two-hour sessions that partly comprise mini-lectures and seminar activities, and are partly student led. To this end, the assessment will encourage students to build on their knowledge and bring this to class. Assessment will take the form of take home assignments and presentations.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 28
  • Course Preparation
  • 70
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Exam Preparation
  • 53
  • Exercises
  • 10
  • Preparation
  • 42
  • Total
  • 204
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Criteria for exam assesment
  • Grade 12 is given for an outstanding performance: the student lives up to the course's goal description in an independent and convincing manner with no or few and minor shortcomings
  • Grade 7 is given for a good performance: the student is confidently able to live up to the goal description, albeit with several shortcomings
  • Grade 02 is given for an adequate performance: the minimum acceptable performance in which the student is only able to live up to the goal description in an insecure and incomplete manner